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Old 10-11-2008, 01:14 AM
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so your from California?
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Old 10-11-2008, 01:23 AM
Born Crucified
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No, I am not from California and have only been there twice in my lifetime. But I do research and have corresponded with winemakers both in person and over the phone.
Old 10-11-2008, 01:46 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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why are you in contact with men who put strong drink to the mouths of millions of people? I do hope you take time to witness to them.

where you curently?
Old 10-11-2008, 02:18 AM
Born Crucified
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
why are you in contact with men who put strong drink to the mouths of millions of people? I do hope you take time to witness to them.

where you curently?
As to your first question, I have not much of a choice in talking to someone who is a winemaker. My oldest brother is a winemaker.

As a minister of the Gospel, I have witnessed to him many times, as has my mother and my sister.

I have also witnessed to some of his co-workers that visited his home the last time I was visiting him

I have found it is extremely hard to witness Christ to him and his co-workers because they have become drunkards because of listening to others tell them it is ok to drink in moderation. The alcohol they work so hard to make has deceived them to the point they don't know they are under the influence. But it is clear that they are, from slurred speech to belligerent speech to tipsy walking... and they don't even care.

Where am I currently? Deep South, USA... part of the Bible Belt.
Old 10-11-2008, 02:19 AM
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mississippi then? that would be as deep south as it gets?
Old 10-11-2008, 02:21 AM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
mississippi then? that would be as deep south as it gets?
yes, Mississippi.
Old 10-11-2008, 02:22 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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the Bible makes it clear that drunkeness is a sin not drinking. Hoever, we should not drink because many who would see us may think it is ok to get drunk for one, and another is many have addictive personalities and cannot control themselves.

i do not advocate drinking even in moderation for those reasons.
Old 10-11-2008, 02:25 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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is it safe to assume you are married to Linda or at least knwo each other closel?
Old 10-11-2008, 02:27 AM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
the Bible makes it clear that drunkeness is a sin not drinking. Hoever, we should not drink because many who would see us may think it is ok to get drunk for one, and another is many have addictive personalities and cannot control themselves.

i do not advocate drinking even in moderation for those reasons.
'Look thou not... when it is...' is a clear command against drinking. Notice it does not say Look thou not after you have tarried near it for a short period. It is a command not to drink when it... the wine... is fermented.

I cannot understand why so many do not see the clear Word written there. Even when one reads the verse with the surrounding passage, it still says 'Look thou not...when it...'. That cannot be changed.

And by writing on this board, or any other board, or in email, snail mail, or anywhere else that the Bible does not teach against drinking one is advocating drinking.
Old 10-11-2008, 02:28 AM
Born Crucified
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
is it safe to assume you are married to Linda or at least knwo each other closel?
Linda and I are married, yes.

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