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Old 03-28-2008, 11:05 AM
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The Bible doesn't say God sends the Gospel to only the elect. That passage stated the how of salvation - through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Other passages indicate that God has sent His Word into all the world, and salvation is to all the world, whosoever will.
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 03-28-2008, 02:00 PM
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beloved57, I'm glad you like to laugh out loud (lol). I like a person with a sense of humour. However, I'm not in agreement with Calvinism.
Old 03-28-2008, 03:09 PM
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Debau Debau is offline
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The Horrble Decree

AH! gentle, gracious Dove ;
And art thou grieved in me,
That sinners should restrain Thy love,
And say it is not free :
It is not free for all ;
The most Thou passest by,
And mockest with a fruitless call
Whom Thou hast doomed to die.

They think Thee not sincere
In giving each his day ;
"Thou only draw'st the sinner near,
To cast him quite away ;
To aggravate his sin,
His sure damnation seal,
Thou show'st him in heaven, and say'st, Go in,-
And thrusts him into hell."

O Horrible Decree,
Worthy of whence it came!
Forgive their hellish blasphemy
Who charge it on the Lamb,
Whose pity Him inclined
To leave His throne above,
The Friend and Saviour of mankind,
The God of grace and love.

O gracious loving Lord,
I feel Thy bowels yearn ;
For those who slight the gospel word
I share in Thy concern :
How art Thou grieved to be
By ransom'd worms withstood !
How dost thou bleed afresh, to see
Them trample on Thy blood !

To limit Thee they dare,
Blaspheme Thee to Thy face,
Deny their fellow worms a share
In Thy redeeming grace ;
All for their own take,
Thy righteousness engross,
Of none effect to most they make
The merits of Thy cross.

Sinners, abhor the fiend :
His other gospel hear-
"The God of truth did not intend
The thing His words declare;
He offers grace to all,
Which most cannot embrace,
Mock'd with an ineffectual call
And insufficient grace.

"The righteous God consign'd
Them over to their doom,
And sent the Saviour of mankind
To damn them from the womb :
To damn for falling short
Of what he could not do,
For not believing the report
Of that which was not true.

The God of love pass'd by
The most of these that fell,
Ordain'd poor reprobates to die,
And forced them into hell."
"He did not do the deed,
(Some have more mildly raved,)
He did not damn them-but decreed
They never should be saved.

"He did not them bereave
Of life, or stop their breath;
His grace He only would not give,
And starved their souls to death."
Satanic sophistry!
But still, all gracious God,
They charge the sinners death on Thee,
Who bought'st him with Thy blood.

They think with shrieks and cries
To please the Lord of Hosts,
And offer Thee, in sacrifice,
Millions of slaughtered ghosts;
With new-born babes they fill
The dire infernal shade,
For such (they say) was Thy great will
Before the world was made.

How long, O God, how long,
Shall Satan's rage proceed!
Wilt not Thou soon avenge the wrong,
And crush the serpents head?
Surely Thou shalt at last
Bruise him beneath our feet;
The devil and his doctrine cast
Into the burning pit.

Arise, O God, arise;
Thy glorious truth maintain;
Hold forth the bloody Sacrifice,
For every sinner slain!
Defend Thy mercy's cause,
Thy grace divinely free;
Lift up the standard of Thy cross,
Draw all men unto Thee.

O vindicate Thy grace,
Which every soul may prove;
Us in Thy arms of love embrace,
Of everlasting love.
Give the pure gospel word,
Thy preachers multiply;
Let all confess their common Lord,
And dare for Him to die.

My life I here present,
My heart's last drop of blood:
O let it all be freely spent
In proof that Thou art good;
Art good to all that breathe,
Who all may pardon have;
Thou willest not the sinners death,
But all the world wouldst save.

O take me at my word;
But arm me with Thy power,
Then call me forth to suffer, Lord,
To meet the fiery hour:
In death will I proclaim
That all may hear Thy call,
And clap my hands amidst the flame,
And shout,- He DIED FOR ALL.

Wesley (John, I think?)
Old 03-28-2008, 03:12 PM
Pastor Mikie
Posts: n/a

BTW: Wesley didn't believe in eternal security. Nonetheless, thanks for the poem.
Old 03-28-2008, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by jerry View Post
The Bible doesn't say God sends the Gospel to only the elect. That passage stated the how of salvation - through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Other passages indicate that God has sent His Word into all the world, and salvation is to all the world, whosoever will.
The gospel does go throughout the world since the elect are scattered throughout the world.. Duh
Old 03-28-2008, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Revangelist View Post
beloved57, I'm glad you like to laugh out loud (lol). I like a person with a sense of humour. However, I'm not in agreement with Calvinism.
Your not in agreement the word of God..
Old 03-28-2008, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Debau View Post
The Horrble Decree

AH! gentle, gracious Dove ;
And art thou grieved in me,
That sinners should restrain Thy love,
And say it is not free :
It is not free for all ;
The most Thou passest by,
And mockest with a fruitless call
Whom Thou hast doomed to die.

They think Thee not sincere
In giving each his day ;
"Thou only draw'st the sinner near,
To cast him quite away ;
To aggravate his sin,
His sure damnation seal,
Thou show'st him in heaven, and say'st, Go in,-
And thrusts him into hell."

O Horrible Decree,
Worthy of whence it came!
Forgive their hellish blasphemy
Who charge it on the Lamb,
Whose pity Him inclined
To leave His throne above,
The Friend and Saviour of mankind,
The God of grace and love.

O gracious loving Lord,
I feel Thy bowels yearn ;
For those who slight the gospel word
I share in Thy concern :
How art Thou grieved to be
By ransom'd worms withstood !
How dost thou bleed afresh, to see
Them trample on Thy blood !

To limit Thee they dare,
Blaspheme Thee to Thy face,
Deny their fellow worms a share
In Thy redeeming grace ;
All for their own take,
Thy righteousness engross,
Of none effect to most they make
The merits of Thy cross.

Sinners, abhor the fiend :
His other gospel hear-
"The God of truth did not intend
The thing His words declare;
He offers grace to all,
Which most cannot embrace,
Mock'd with an ineffectual call
And insufficient grace.

"The righteous God consign'd
Them over to their doom,
And sent the Saviour of mankind
To damn them from the womb :
To damn for falling short
Of what he could not do,
For not believing the report
Of that which was not true.

The God of love pass'd by
The most of these that fell,
Ordain'd poor reprobates to die,
And forced them into hell."
"He did not do the deed,
(Some have more mildly raved,)
He did not damn them-but decreed
They never should be saved.

"He did not them bereave
Of life, or stop their breath;
His grace He only would not give,
And starved their souls to death."
Satanic sophistry!
But still, all gracious God,
They charge the sinners death on Thee,
Who bought'st him with Thy blood.

They think with shrieks and cries
To please the Lord of Hosts,
And offer Thee, in sacrifice,
Millions of slaughtered ghosts;
With new-born babes they fill
The dire infernal shade,
For such (they say) was Thy great will
Before the world was made.

How long, O God, how long,
Shall Satan's rage proceed!
Wilt not Thou soon avenge the wrong,
And crush the serpents head?
Surely Thou shalt at last
Bruise him beneath our feet;
The devil and his doctrine cast
Into the burning pit.

Arise, O God, arise;
Thy glorious truth maintain;
Hold forth the bloody Sacrifice,
For every sinner slain!
Defend Thy mercy's cause,
Thy grace divinely free;
Lift up the standard of Thy cross,
Draw all men unto Thee.

O vindicate Thy grace,
Which every soul may prove;
Us in Thy arms of love embrace,
Of everlasting love.
Give the pure gospel word,
Thy preachers multiply;
Let all confess their common Lord,
And dare for Him to die.

My life I here present,
My heart's last drop of blood:
O let it all be freely spent
In proof that Thou art good;
Art good to all that breathe,
Who all may pardon have;
Thou willest not the sinners death,
But all the world wouldst save.

O take me at my word;
But arm me with Thy power,
Then call me forth to suffer, Lord,
To meet the fiery hour:
In death will I proclaim
That all may hear Thy call,
And clap my hands amidst the flame,
And shout,- He DIED FOR ALL.

Wesley (John, I think?)
wesley preached the doctrines of may God Judge him in that day..
Old 03-28-2008, 03:32 PM
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Debau Debau is offline
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Originally Posted by Pastor Mikie View Post
BTW: Wesley didn't believe in eternal security. Nonetheless, thanks for the poem.
Apparently, John Wesley was a turncoat(the good kind), from what I read of his letters with Whitfield. It was to Whitfield's chagrin that his friend had changed his views.
That's just what I gather from a casual read. Maybe someone who knows history can learn me better.
Old 03-28-2008, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by beloved57 View Post
The gospel does go throughout the world since the elect are scattered throughout the world.. Duh
What is it with all the sarcasm and mocking? That is not Christlike, or meek and gentle - which you are commanded to be towards those who are opposed to the truth (if that's what you think I am).

2 Timothy 2:24-26 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
Old 03-28-2008, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by beloved57 View Post
As I have said faith is a Gift of God in order for the elect to realize their salvation..

Its a fruit of the spirit..
Ephesians 2:8 says, ". . . by grace ARE YE SAVED, through FAITH and THAT not of yourselves: it is THE GIFT OF GOD, NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast."
In Greek, pronouns must agree with their antecedent nouns in gender. Many think that FAITH is the antecedent noun to THAT. This cannot be so since FAITH is FEMININE and THAT is NEUTER. The true antecedent term that Paul is talking about is BEING SAVED. It is this SALVATION which is the GIFT OF GOD. It is this SALVATION which is NOT OF WORKS. It all makes sense when this meaning is taken. It doesn't make sense to say that FAITH is "NOT OF WORKS" but it makes perfect sense to say that SALVATION is NOT OF WORKS.

Originally Posted by beloved57 View Post
God should get all the glory for salvation, quit giving man glory..
Jesus receives all of the glory, He paid the full punishment of sin.

Originally Posted by beloved57 View Post
You dont even understand the most basics of bible truth lol
little rude, dontchya think?

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