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Old 03-24-2009, 09:15 PM
BornAgainBibleBeliever514's Avatar
BornAgainBibleBeliever514 BornAgainBibleBeliever514 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Montreal
Posts: 100

Hi Chette, George, Peopleoftheway, et al.

I guess I am a bit distressed by the apostasy in the church and the foolish wickedness of the world, but I don't look to men to encourage me.
Chette, often when I come back to the office from getting lunch, and walking amidst the sea of lost people, observing every sick way imaginable, getting bogged down with sorrow for them, I feel at a loss to do anything for them.
Like my meager evangelism efforts are but a drop in a bucket the size of a lake, but... As the elevator doors close and I am alone, I look into the mirror and realize that the new creature within me is heaven-bound. This always snaps me back to His sovereignty, and that its in His hands, and He knows what He's doing. Also that He has a plan for me, including putting me among these people in this city.
For goodness sake, I'm not a Calvinist, lets not go there
Rather, I do get encouragement now and then to continue trying to reach them for Christ.
People of the way, in no way would this type of discouragement ever abate my desire for His Truth and his Word, rest assured. But the more Truth one knows, the more isolated one feels amidst the flow of lies. I said I don't look to men for encouragement, but I sure would like to have a friend I could hang out with who believes as I do. I know, you're all thinking "Christ is that person!", and He is, He is, I talk to Him all the day long.

George, How on earth could you use the terms cold and inhospitable in the same sentence with Hawaii? You're ruining the tourism there! lol
I suppose Montreal is bad, but can't be the worst.
I remember a visiting pastor said from our pulpit once: "You folks up here in Montreal are lucky - you have that great metro system (underground subway trains). You don't even have to seek out the lost, you can stand in one place and hundreds of them will walk right past you!"
He has a good point, which I've exercised often.

Kottage Kat, I'm so glad to hear your dad got saved! I know a couple folks who lament over their lost ones, and others who are SOOO grateful they got saved near the end, as I'm sure you are too. Praise the Lord!

By the way, I don't mind if people shorten my nickname to BABB, I wasn't thinking when I made such a long one!
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