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Old 10-29-2008, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by aussiemama View Post
You know, there seems to be a lot of evidence going either way, and I just can't get my head around it at this time. I don't think it's something my husband wants me worrying about right now, but it is interesting if I ever get back to looking into this.
Yeah, I'm with you, Katy-Anne.
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Old 10-29-2008, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by aussiemama View Post
You know, there seems to be a lot of evidence going either way, and I just can't get my head around it at this time. I don't think it's something my husband wants me worrying about right now, but it is interesting if I ever get back to looking into this.
Originally Posted by KJBPrincess View Post
Yeah, I'm with you, Katy-Anne.
Actually as married Christian women it IS something you and your husband should think about. Depending on what you believe the ramifications would effect your choice of birth control, fertility treatment options, possible pregnancies/miscarriages/stillbirths.

The question of WHEN that both of you believe in may or may not limit your choices on the first two, but it will definitely dictate how you grieve, cope, deal with and comfort one another (Or other couples you come across) on the last two.
Old 10-29-2008, 01:51 PM
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I do want to look into it eventually, but my husband has made it clear he doesn't want me to worry about it right now.
Old 10-29-2008, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: aussiemama comments

Originally Posted by aussiemama View Post
You know, there seems to be a lot of evidence going either way, and I just can't get my head around it at this time. I don't think it's something my husband wants me worrying about right now, but it is interesting if I ever get back to looking into this.
Aloha aussiemama,

Your comments are most appropriate, and your husband is right! That is why when this discussion first showed up I tried to avoid it. This subject is extremely complex (and I might add - extremely emotional for some brethren).

Brother Brandon brings up some very interesting points in support of his conviction. I do not dismiss them, I just try to figure out how they "fit" into rightly dividing the word of God on this issue.

The important thing to remember in discussing complex issues, such as this, is to realize that this matter cannot be "settled" as easily as the existence of: God, Heaven, Hell, Satan, the angels, sin, etc.; or belief in the Biblical account of the creation, the flood or the signs, wonders, and miracles of the Bible; or the doctrine of Christ; the Godhead; the new birth; the church; the sanctity of marriage; etc.; or all the other major doctrines that most of us on this Forum are agreed on.

This issue, like the issue of the two "Kingdoms", is extremely complex, and if a brother or sister in Christ holds a conviction (that can be supported by some Scripture) that is different than mine, I am not going to break fellowship with him or her, or go off into a "rant" because they don't believe exactly as I do.

There is one thing that I do know, and that is - one of us is right; and although we see through a glass darkly (at this moment in time) there will come a time when all will be clear, when we will know, even as we are known. Until then we should try to be charitable to those brethren with which we disagree, unless provable heresy, false teaching, or false doctrine is involved; or if the brother or sister is so obnoxious, demanding, and inconsiderate in his or her presentation that there is no "profit" in engaging them since there will be no "edification" of the brethren when all is said and done.

Oh, and by the way - Welcome to the Forum. I can see by your Posts that you will find quite a few brethren here on this Forum, that are of the "same mind" on many of the Biblical issues you have commented on. Enjoy!
Old 10-30-2008, 12:29 PM
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Except for the fact that they are young, Christian, married women, of childbearing age. And unless they are of the quiver-full no birth control persuasion, the question of if you are terminating a living soul or not by not allowing a fertilized egg/ embryo to implant is important.

Since hormonal contraceptives are the birth control of choice in most American families it IS important. They have a break through ovulation rate of at least once or twice a year on a Combo pill and every other month on a Mini pill (That a mother of a young breastfeeding baby would be urged by her doctor to take from her 6 week check up.) Allowing the possibility of conception, but not implantation or pregnancy. They wouldn't even know it.

If it doesn't matter at that point then your conscience is clear, however if you believe it is a living soul then what about years from now when they have the time to get around to pondering such things and realize the implications and possible lives destroyed in that time?
Old 10-30-2008, 12:54 PM
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On as difficult an issue as this is, it is better to err on the side of caution. I had never considered any other option than that a child became fully human, body/soul/spirit, at conception. Though there are others who disagree whose sincerity in searching Scripture is beyond question, I will stay the course in my belief. To do otherwise, and later find out that I was wrong would be a greater tragedy.
Old 10-30-2008, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: " When does a person become a living soul?

Aloha Brandon,

I appreciate your research into this matter, and you have brought up some more excellent points (Scriptures) in support of your conviction.

I shall comment on them when I can find time (we are preparing for a "moving sale" {"Garage Sale"} for Saturday & also for our move to the mainland U.S.A. - building skips & crates; packing, loading, etc., etc.)

The exchange between ourselves should demonstrate to others the "complexity" of this issue, and also how two Christians (who hold differing convictions on this matter) can bring forth evidence, from Scripture, in support of their position, without rancor, and without resorting to accusations and name-calling.

In regards to this issue, I for one would never "fault" another Christian for holding a view opposite of mine - Brother Tim's comment about the "default" position and "safer" course, is a serious point to take into consideration when deciding on this matter.

I am still of the persuasion that I am "rightly dividing" God's words in this matter, but would never think any less of any brother (or sister) if they disagree with me. And I would hope that they would not "jump to any false conclusions" about my stance on the despicable practice of abortion, because of my conviction.
Old 10-30-2008, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by JaeByrd View Post
Except for the fact that they are young, Christian, married women, of childbearing age. And unless they are of the quiver-full no birth control persuasion, the question of if you are terminating a living soul or not by not allowing a fertilized egg/ embryo to implant is important.
Also, every man must consider:
Romans 14:23 ...for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Using hormonal birth control is a proactive step no Christian should take lightly. It can not be done "in faith" when it is done in doubt over what is actually happening. Reprehensibly, most doctors do not inform their patients that "the pill" has a secondary effect of causing abortions (causing a pregnancy that has begun to end prematurely). Many incorrectly believe that all the pill does is prevent ovulation.

I have known pro-life, "life at conception" people to resist utterly the very topic of what birth control pills do because of the convenience of the method, only to later grieve over using it in the past. And even if you do not believe that life begins at conception, birth control causes abortions, so you had better be okay with abortion when you use it.

I've had friends anguish over this and resist learning about what these drugs are designed to do, but:
Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Old 10-30-2008, 03:04 PM
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My wife and I feel that it would be unwise to have children yet, so we use certain non-invasive methods of birth control. I don't think messing with hormones is a wise idea, unless it's in the effort of healing someone (my mom takes some sort of hormone for her thyroid; she's hypoglycemic {definitely not overweight though}).

I personally think that not using any kind of contraceptive at all is like not wearing a seat belt because "God will take care of us." Sex - contraceptives = babies, so I just think it's wisdom to employ methods that wouldn't harm or affect the woman.

*feels that the topic has gone slightly off-topic*
Old 10-30-2008, 03:57 PM
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Hey, George, regarding "our move to the mainland", are you taking me up on the request to move to Gainesville, FL? Please?? Job? Oops, hadn't thought about that. ... Well, I'll think of something!

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