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Old 02-26-2008, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by jerry View Post
Ruckman doesn't just knock unbelievers and heretics - he knocks sound KJVdefenders who don't dot their i's the exact same way as he does. For example, both him and Riplinger knock David Cloud and slander him as some kind of KJVcorrector, preferring the TR over the KJV, etc. That is simply hogwash. I have been reading David Cloud's materials and studies for 10 years, and he has never ONCE corrected the KJV in any sense, never once said it was in error, never once pushed the TR ABOVE the KJV or used something in the TR to change or correct the KJV. His position is the same as mine, and the reason I become KJVonly: the TR and Masoretic Text are the preserved Bible texts as their history clearly shows, and they are on equal footing with the KJV; the KJV is the soundest translation available from those texts - but the KJV is obviously the edition of the TR that has God's hand on it; therefore he won't change the KJV if some TR manuscript differed from it somewhere (though I have yet to see any supposed discrepancy from the manuscripts behind the KJV and the KJV itself).
AMEN to that!!
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 02-26-2008, 12:51 PM
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We have to be careful of new "truths" such as the Gap Theory". Prior to the late 1800's nobody ever read a gap into Gen 1:1-2. “if it is new it is not true, and if it is true it is not new.”

"These long-overlooked “biblical truths” include the following:

1. Angels are thirty-three year old males without wings; and all woman in the Church Age will receive thirty-three year old male bodies at the Rapture. ...

2. The plan of salvation for Tribulation saints is faith plus works and the plan of salvation in the Millennium is works alone.

3. When the believer is born again, his soul is literally cut loose from the inside of his fleshly body. (Ruckman takes spiritual circumcision very literally!)

4. Demons re winged creatures ranging in size from those of flies and mosquitoes to eagles and vultures.

5. Sexual unions constitute marriage in God’s sight.

On page 347 of The Unknown Bible, Ruckman modestly claims: “Do you realize that in these last two chapters, you have learned a dozen things that were unknown to the greatest Bible teachers in the world? In 2000 years of church history, they haven’t even been able to find the passage which dealt with these things we have been talking about.” " (from

As to Ruckman's newness... “If you are able to obtain a copy [of Ruckman’s proposed new book] you will have, in your hands, a minimum of 200 advanced revelations that came from the inerrant English text, that were completely overlooked (or ignored) by every major Christian scholar since 90 A.D. This would include all of the modern Bible revisors (1800-1999), all of the faculty members and staffs of every major “Fundamental” (Conservative and Evangelical) seminary, university, and college in Europe and America since 1500, and every Greek and Hebrew scholar (or teacher) since 1611. ... Actually, if a Bible believer has this work he will have the accumulated knowledge of Cornelius Stam and Ethelbert Bullinger ... Clarence Larkin and C.I. Scofield Ewing, Osborne, Tilton, and PTL ... Pember, Peters, Gaebelein, Pentecost, Lindsey, Kirban, Rockwood, Webber, and Van Impe ... plus the Puritans, Reformers, major evangelists (Moody, Sunday, Finney, Torrey, Wesley, etc.) and all that ANY Greek and Hebrew scholar ... ever found out--that was SO--in the last 200 years” (Bible Believers’ Bulletin, Jan. 1994, pp. 2,4).
Old 02-27-2008, 06:22 AM
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Ok, so is there another KJV only Bible Institute in this country beside the PBI? Not that I'm trying to prove anything, but I'm just curious since so many of these Christian Colleges had totally went over to MV....
Old 02-27-2008, 07:03 AM
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There are various sound Independant Fundamental Baptist colleges that are KJVonly, such as Oklahoma Baptist College, Crown College, and some others.
Old 02-27-2008, 10:53 AM
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I know that some of those colleges use the KJV but I have heard that some of them do not believe that it is infallible, they just believe it's the best one out there. Is that true?
Old 02-27-2008, 11:18 AM
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I know those two particular ones - plus Faithway Baptist College in Ontario - are definitely KJVonly - by conviction, not preference.
Old 02-27-2008, 06:28 PM
sting of truth
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Originally Posted by jerry View Post
1 Corinthians 7 deals with the unbeliever abandoning/divorcing the believer. Is that what happened in the case of Ruckman's divorces?
thats what happened in one of them.
Old 02-28-2008, 02:11 PM
Pastor Mikie
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I read Ruckman's stuff for only 2 reasons:

1. He's great on historical facts surrounding the KJB (not to mention how well he refutes modern "higher criticism").
2. He makes me laugh.

However, I would encourage caution regarding his "biblical doctrine". He has some good insights in his commentary on The Book of Revelation. "Eat the meat and spit out the bones". There are a lot of bones.
Old 03-02-2008, 11:17 PM
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Hey Pastor Mikie,

No offense, but couldn't there be alot of "bones" since you and Dr. Ruckman consist of two different denominations? Because I do know that he has books that refute speaking in tounges. If I am correct you do believe in tounges, right?
Old 03-03-2008, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by jerry View Post
Show some Scripture in context that actually teaches a Gap Theory. Aside from the fact that Satan walked in the Garden of Eden before he fell, and the Garden of Eden was not created until day six, the same day man was created - there is no Biblical basis for an earth before the six days of creation, for a pre-creation week fall of Satan, nor for any kind of previous civilization on earth.
The way one believes in the GAP FACT in Genesis 1 is the same way you believe angels were created before (and shouted for joy) when the earth was created in Genesis 1.

1 Corinthians 2:13

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