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Old 09-29-2008, 04:17 PM
Scott Simons
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I have tried and tried to get someone to express there thoughts on this subjects and it is like people are afraid to say anything with substance, at least strongmeat made an effort, nice try but I would have to agree with bibleprotector on this one, the Holy Ghost is not a guest I happen to be his temple, bought and paid for.
I notice people still will say Holy Spirit when they are talking about the Holy Ghost, I just don’t know if the Perversion Versions have infected or confused them with the difference, but I really think most people have not even meditated on the difference.
A touchy subject to say the least, however if we can’t talk about it here where can we, I think it may touch their doctrinal beliefs in a way they are unable to deal with. Lets open up people, after all it us who have receive the love of the truth.
I just think the Holy Ghost is an important subject.
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Scott Simons View Post
I have tried and tried to get someone to express there thoughts on this subjects and it is like people are afraid to say anything with substance, at least strongmeat made an effort, nice try but I would have to agree with bibleprotector on this one, the Holy Ghost is not a guest I happen to be his temple, bought and paid for.
I notice people still will say Holy Spirit when they are talking about the Holy Ghost, I just don’t know if the Perversion Versions have infected or confused them with the difference, but I really think most people have not even meditated on the difference.
A touchy subject to say the least, however if we can’t talk about it here where can we, I think it may touch their doctrinal beliefs in a way they are unable to deal with. Lets open up people, after all it us who have receive the love of the truth.
I just think the Holy Ghost is an important subject.
Perhaps you see issues where there are none? What do you hope to accomplish by pressing so hard on this issue? Holy Spirit IS in the King James Bible. Your post sounds like you think people are guilty of some sort of compromise with the reading of corrupt bible versions.

Just a word of caution Scott. I've heard certain groups of people press this issue before. I hope you aren't pressing this issue for the reason they often try to. Don't think I'm accusing you of anything. I'm only pointing out that your pushing this issue like you've been doing makes it appear you have an ulterior motive.

Peace and Love,
Old 10-02-2008, 08:47 PM
Scott Simons
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Perhaps you see issues where there are none? What do you hope to accomplish by pressing so hard on this issue? Holy Spirit IS in the King James Bible. Your post sounds like you think people are guilty of some sort of compromise with the reading of corrupt bible versions.

Just a word of caution Scott. I've heard certain groups of people press this issue before. I hope you aren't pressing this issue for the reason they often try to. Don't think I'm accusing you of anything. I'm only pointing out that your pushing this issue like you've been doing makes it appear you have an ulterior motive.

Peace and Love,
That's cool, Stephen, its just been something that is not address and very little dealt with, because there are so few King James sites. If we can't hammer it out here where else. We need commincation on this subject, no compromising accused. An issue would be not really a correct approach unless the subject raises one. 7 times holy spirit is used in various capitalizations, 89 verses use Holy Ghost, there is something there, it means something, I would like help from those who at least read the bible, can't go anywhere else unless you have a suggestion. You guys are it, sorry you believe there is a real bible and like it or not you are my best help.
Peace and Love to you to
Old 10-19-2008, 06:56 PM
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I am wondering the same thing, there has to be a reason. God is perfect, his word is perfect. I actually heard on a talk show that we KJVers make a big deal about that. The person actually just reads the KJV but does not believe that thee and thou etc. make a difference, and then he mentioned about the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost saying it didn't matter, this is one of the reasons I am starting to search this out so I can answer, there are so many things in the KJV that show how very perfect our God is. I have been praying Psalm 119:18
Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. I have to agree with Scott. I found that Holy Ghost is in NT only and 89 times and 7 Times Holy Spirit, Psalm 51:11, Isa 63:10, 11, Luke 11:13, Eph 1:13, 4:30 and 1Thes 4:8 according to Biblegateway.

I think Gail Riplinger may have some insight.
Old 10-19-2008, 09:16 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Excuse me; as a newcomer, this is the first time I've seen this thread. I've read it prayerfully, and dismissed nothing out of hand; and, by the grace of God, I am always willing and eager to be edified and enlightened by my brethren.

But I must say, in all humility and charity, that this is gnat-straining at its most preposterous. The Holy Spirit is the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth is the Comforter. The fact that there are different terms only demonstrates the creativity and versatility of the One Who gave the words by inspiration.

What is a "ghost?" Supposedly, the returned spirit of one who has died.

That's precisely what the Holy Spirit is: the Spirit of Christ.

Forgive me if I sound abrupt, but this is a tempest in a teapot.
Old 10-20-2008, 04:07 AM
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Default Re: Holy Ghost – Holy Spirit- holy Spirit – holy spirit

Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
Excuse me; as a newcomer, this is the first time I've seen this thread. I've read it prayerfully, and dismissed nothing out of hand; and, by the grace of God, I am always willing and eager to be edified and enlightened by my brethren.

But I must say, in all humility and charity, that this is gnat-straining at its most preposterous. The Holy Spirit is the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth is the Comforter. The fact that there are different terms only demonstrates the creativity and versatility of the One Who gave the words by inspiration.

What is a "ghost?" Supposedly, the returned spirit of one who has died.

That's precisely what the Holy Spirit is: the Spirit of Christ.

Forgive me if I sound abrupt, but this is a tempest in a teapot.

Aloha brother Vendetta Ride,

I am in total agreement with you brother! This is someone trying to make a "mountain" out of a "molehill"!

I've been reading the King James Bible for over 50 years and it never occurred to me (No - not once), that there is a "problem" with the different expressions. And why it "bothers" Scott is beyond me!

Don't be "bashful" in Posting brother. I have read nearly all of your Posts and they are both respectful and appropriate, and I am sure that there are many other brethren on this Forum that appreciate both your comments and your presence here on this Forum as much as I do.
Old 10-20-2008, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Vendetta Ride,

I am sure that there are many other brethren on this Forum that appreciate both your comments and your presence here on this Forum as much as I do.
Same here, on all accounts.
Old 10-20-2008, 07:44 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Thank you, brethren. It's not that I'm shy; I'm just trying not to be obnoxious, which is, perhaps, a possibility for me!

Old 10-21-2008, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
It's not that I'm shy; I'm just trying not to be obnoxious, which is, perhaps, a possibility for me!

Old 10-22-2008, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Vendetta Ride,

I am in total agreement with you brother! This is someone trying to make a "mountain" out of a "molehill"!

I've been reading the King James Bible for over 50 years and it never occurred to me (No - not once), that there is a "problem" with the different expressions. And why it "bothers" Scott is beyond me!

Don't be "bashful" in Posting brother. I have read nearly all of your Posts and they are both respectful and appropriate, and I am sure that there are many other brethren on this Forum that appreciate both your comments and your presence here on this Forum as much as I do.
Hello, Brother George and others....Ok, I am going to explain why it might be a big deal to Scott and others. [and put myself in position for some charitable scathing criticism as well] I myself have actually waited to see if this issue would ever come up....I am KJVO, I have convictions why I am, but I am one of those who cannot be dogmatic about terms such as "word perfect" and "letter perfect" about any translation....Here's an illustration why there is a problem: back in the 80's our old buddy Jimmy Swaggert began teaching [and selling tapes] that, well, I'll quote him: "You've received the Holy Spirit, but you HAVEN'T received the Holy Ghost" [don't know how many of these messages he sold, but, knowing what happened to him, it must have been interesting to say the least].....Now I'm all for what Brother Vendetta said, I agree 100%, he nailed it on the head, but if I want to be "all in" for word perfect and letter perfect, would I not also have to agree with Jimmy Swaggert ?. [which is madness]...Holy Ghost is Holy Spirit, but [am I not seeing something correctly] Ghost and Spirit are not the same word, reiterating, there isn't an issue unless one uses terms like word perfect and letter perfect [and maybe I am not understanding these terms, so please forgive me if I'm not].....God bless....Scott

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