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Old 05-16-2008, 05:03 PM
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Diligent Diligent is offline
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Default Open for discussion: forum policies

Forum users:

I am interested in your opinions about the policy of this forum as to how "open" it is. While I don't have an interest in a strictly moderated (as in each-post-approved-by-me) forum, it may be that my original desire to have a very open forum policy is not actually feasible.

My goal, in the end, is to help increase people's faith in God's word. I figured that having a forum where people could ask honest questions about the Bible and the versions issue would be conducive to this -- I was "converted" away from the NIV in part because I had access to information. So, my hope was that more information would help more people.

But it is apparant that there are people who have nothing better to do than to actively seek an undermining of peoples' faith in the Bible and try to build up secondary authorities (ie, the elusive "The Greek" or other scholars). I have already banned some of the most egregious offenders, but I am wondering if a more stringent policy is warranted.

While I do not have the desire to be a forum policeman, it isn't a big deal to put new posters under moderation for a longer period of time, or to move some of the "borderline" posters into moderation.

I am interested in opinions from users of the forum. I am of course not obligating myself to do anything here -- this is just an informal request for discussion.

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