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Old 11-05-2008, 02:14 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Obama is not a king. He is an elected Marxist, elected by pro-abortion liberals who have no respect for God or this Republic. And just because God ALLOWS something to happen doesn't mean he wanted it that way. If our ancestors had honored their king, how would the American revolution have ever happened. Just food for thought...
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Obama is not a king. He is an elected Marxist, elected by pro-abortion liberals who have no respect for God or this Republic. And just because God ALLOWS something to happen doesn't mean he wanted it that way. If our ancestors had honored their king, how would the American revolution have ever happened. Just food for thought...
God may have used this nation, and blessed her because she blessed Israel, but I believe without a doubt that the American Revolution was not Biblical. It was the right thing to do from a human standpoint, but if a person was following the clear instructions of the Bible, then they would have acquiesced to the king of England and obeyed.

Obama is the "king" in a Biblical sense; he's the man that's the ruler of our nation, regardless of what he believes or will do. We should *pukes* honor him *pukes again* just like we would honor *dry heaves* a king.

*curls up in a fetal position and cries himself to sleep*

Old 11-05-2008, 04:15 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
God may have used this nation, and blessed her because she blessed Israel, but I believe without a doubt that the American Revolution was not Biblical. It was the right thing to do from a human standpoint, but if a person was following the clear instructions of the Bible, then they would have acquiesced to the king of England and obeyed.
And today you would still be under a king.
No wonder you would love to "secede."
I take it you will never fight against your own government if required either, is that correct? This is why we have slaves in the world, because people like Obama take their guns away. I mean, I can see your point brother, but I'm not like that. Gotta ask: were you a love child in the 60's?

Obama is the "king" in a Biblical sense; he's the man that's the ruler of our nation, regardless of what he believes or will do. We should *pukes* honor him *pukes again* just like we would honor *dry heaves* a king.

*curls up in a fetal position and cries himself to sleep*
I keep telling you brother, kings in the Bible were NOT ELECTED by a majority of liberals and God haters. They were not elected at all. Obama is no more a king than Mickey Mouse is a U.S. Congressman. But I do join you in puking, we can certainly puke together over Obama.
Old 11-05-2008, 04:17 PM
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Governments are ordained by God, regardless of who's in charge, how they got there, or what they do. We're required, by the Bible, to submit and obey their rule. I hate it just as much as anyone else; I've always said that they'll only get my guns bullets first. However, I'm a Bible Believer before I'm a patriot, and I must interpret my attitude and actions through the lens of Scripture, not vice-versa.
Old 11-05-2008, 04:41 PM
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Mickey Mouse is a U.S. Congressman.
I'm certain I've seen him on the floor of the Senate! No, wait. That was John Kerry.
Old 11-05-2008, 05:15 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
Governments are ordained by God, regardless of who's in charge, how they got there, or what they do. We're required, by the Bible, to submit and obey their rule. I hate it just as much as anyone else; I've always said that they'll only get my guns bullets first. However, I'm a Bible Believer before I'm a patriot, and I must interpret my attitude and actions through the lens of Scripture, not vice-versa.
That's exactly right, with the possible exception of the "bullets first" part: it kinda reminds me of what Jesus said when Peter lopped off the soldier's ear. I enjoyed Charlton Heston's remark about "my cold, dead fingers" as much as anyone, but we can't elevate it to the level of holy writ.

It doesn't matter whether Obama was born in Africa or on Mars. The Constitution has been a dead letter ever since 1861. Whether we view him as "legitimate" or not is immaterial; he'll be the one sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and we'll owe him obedience (unless he asks us to abandon our faith) and our prayers. Our sincere prayers: if we merely pray, "God, please get rid of that scumbucket," He will not be impressed. He knows the bitterness and resentment - - - yes, and the rebellion - - - of our hearts better than we do, and we can't fool Him.

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish
And just because God ALLOWS something to happen doesn't mean he wanted it that way.
Dear brother, we've been going around and around on this matter for months, and I don't intend to keep repeating myself for the next four years. No, I don't think for an instant that God wanted this country to be ruled by such a man. But the examples of Saul and Nero are instructive; in fact, they're covered by 2 Tim. 3:16. If Obama tells us we can't witness or pray or worship, like Nebuchadnezzar did, then (and only then) we'll be obliged to disobey. I think you acknowledge that Obama, like Pilate, had his power given to Him by God; but you keep saying, in effect, "It's not God's perfect will." Okay, you've made your point.

I know it's only been a matter of hours since the bad news came down, and people process bad news differently. But I sense a spirit of rebellion in some of these posts that does not please God.

What part of "In everything give thanks" is so hard to understand? And, anyway, we're told to Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth (Col. 3:2). That includes our political parties and our preferred candidates.

I think the Obama administration will be an unmitigated disaster; I have no illusions at all about the man, or the people he surrounds himself with. But he'll be the President, and our orders are very clear. Rebellion, whether inward or outward, is as the sin of witchcraft.
Old 11-05-2008, 05:31 PM
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Default Yep.

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Obama is not a king. He is an elected Marxist, elected by pro-abortion liberals who have no respect for God or this Republic. And just because God ALLOWS something to happen doesn't mean he wanted it that way. If our ancestors had honored their king, how would the American revolution have ever happened. Just food for thought...

Good Post-Good Point. The lavender underwear wearing News skunks on the TV networks were soooo happy,,, they looked like smiling girls on High School Prom Night.

They declared the moslem/ coke-head/ half-white/ Indonesian Passport holding---> Pakistan traveling/ Israel-hating---> moslem terrorist loving/ U.S. Military hating/ Socialist Europe loving/ Hollywierd-funded/ Senate "present" voting record/ Baby aborting-baby murder condoning attorney the "Winner"...even before the polls were closed,,, and befor the Military absentee ballots have been counted!

With utter disgust and disdain for the news media/websites and the Demonic cats that voted for the party of Sodomy, Infanticide, and Defeatism ---except for my State which voted correctly--- I can think only of this appropriate verse:

Psalms 109: 8,9
Old 11-05-2008, 07:08 PM
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What are all Obama's bad points? Are there any good points whatsoever? Doesn't Obama seem extremely close to being the anti-christ?
Old 11-05-2008, 10:07 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by Tom View Post
What are all Obama's bad points? Are there any good points whatsoever? Doesn't Obama seem extremely close to being the anti-christ?
I think of him as a very accurate preview of the Antichrist, but he's not the real thing. But, if you look at the fanatical, utterly groundless, adoration of his supporters, it gives you a good idea of how the entire world will regard the real Antichrist.

The Antichrist will be Jewish by birth, and a native of Syria.

If Obama has any good points, I'm unaware of them. He probably loves his daughters, and I think he's heterosexual; beyond that, I can't think of anything.

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