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Old 07-18-2008, 04:48 PM
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No I am not a calvinist I am a AV Biblisist or Bible believer. nor am I a hyper-dispensationalit.

I simply beleive the word of God to be true that Grace is the suffecient means for Salvation. a book by Lewis Sperry Chafer (also not a Calviist) could help you to understand the Doctrines of Grace. if you will read it I will attach a zip copy to you via email.

for Christ is the Author of Eternal Salvation and the finisher of our faith. Heb 5:9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Those doctirnes are clearly set out in Scripture especially in Romans the book of Grace with all the major Doctrines that make up Gods wonderful grace taugth inthe first 11 Chapters. the life of Grace and the work of the Holy Ghost is taught throughout the letters of Paul.

Just because something seems close to Calvinism doesn't make it Clavinism.

I believe in mans free will and the Sovergnty of God But I don't believe God would be so wicked as to choose some for salvation and another for hell.
I beleive that a man can do nothing to merit Gods wonderful grace but he can resist it. this is your point here. put my choice was not me repenting but nearly a result of Gods work in my heart to turn me to Jesus I still held the final decision but whom am I to risist God. Just like Paul I said, "what would you have me do and I obeyed.
I believe that Christ died for all men, woman and children of all ages but not all will recieve this wonderful gift of God marvelous Grace.
And I beleive Christ will keep that which is his until the Day he completes us in Heaven.

sorry I didn't answer last night as it was past midnight when I last posted and I had to get to bed.

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Old 07-19-2008, 01:10 AM
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Man, I hate to say it brother, but I SO am not a dispensationalist. I don't have the time, nor the desire to try to refute you (even though you totally butchered Acts 2; Peter was not talking only to Jews and Proselytes) and your filter you read the Scriptures through. Maybe if I wasn't a full time carpenter and had more time to get into these things I would be more able to express my convictions (and the verses that come to mind that the Spirit brings into remembrance) in a way that would perhaps get you to think twice about this 'method' you've been taught to read the Bible with.

Another thing I am a bit frustrated about Chette is that you keep trying to proselytize me into this doctrine that you hold. I don't want to have anything to do with it. This is just me being honest.

Also, this thread is about repentance, and although you and your dispensational camp think repentance isn't a prequisite of salvation, I know I am not the only Bible Believing Christian that thinks it is (that we should essentially repent of our unbelief). So instead of taking this thread over with your dispensational mumbo jumbo, it would have been nice to see you stay on the topic, which is in essence "what is biblical repentance?" I hope you can understand where I come from and not think I'm just digging in my heels again just for the sake of it.

Much Love in Christ Jesus,

Last edited by stephanos; 07-19-2008 at 01:17 AM.
Old 07-19-2008, 06:37 AM
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Pr 26:4
Old 07-19-2008, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Another thing I am a bit frustrated about Chette is that you keep trying to proselytize me into this doctrine that you hold. I don't want to have anything to do with it. This is just me being honest.
I believe you. The problem is that you have put yourself at odds with how God wants you to study the Bible.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
It's no surprise that nearly every modern translation of the Bible, other than the KJV, completely corrupts this verse. Without right division, you are left with a contradictory mass of confusion and harmonization and and allegory. Of course Satan has had this command deleted from modern translations of the Bibles. It leaves the believer with no clear grasp on Scripture -- left trying to reconcile verses that clearly teach different things. It's all rather sad to me.
Old 07-19-2008, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Diligent View Post
I believe you. The problem is that you have put yourself at odds with how God wants you to study the Bible.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
It's no surprise that nearly every modern translation of the Bible, other than the KJV, completely corrupts this verse. Without right division, you are left with a contradictory mass of confusion and harmonization and and allegory. Of course Satan has had this command deleted from modern translations of the Bibles. It leaves the believer with no clear grasp on Scripture -- left trying to reconcile verses that clearly teach different things. It's all rather sad to me.
I do not discredit any verse of the Holy Bible, not even your often spoken of 2 Timothy 2:15. The issue I have is that the Dispensational camp thinks that if one doesn't divide the Scriptures in the way they do then they're wrong at best. I just wish that Chette and others would accept the fact that others have spent time in the Holy Bible as well and have come to a different conclusion about what constitutes a correct division of Scriptures. Jesus Christ IS Lord (and I personally show my love for Him by doing my best to obey his commands) of all that truly believe that He is the Son of God, whom God raised from the dead. Can't we meet in peace knowing that we all here are His servants? Can I exist on these forums (with my humble understanding of Scriptures) without certain individuals constantly telling me that I'm wrongly dividing the Scriptures? I've said it many times, I don't agree with the dispensational approach to things, and I would love not to have it shoved down my throat at ever statement I make. I know you guys think you're right, and that it is your duty to show me how I am wrong, but know that I sure don't appreciate being told constantly that I am wrongly dividing the Word of Truth. Know that I sincerely don't see it this way; that I have always opted for a literal interpretation of Scriptures, and that I pray and seek to be guided always in Truth in Spirit. *sigh* Sorry if I sound a bit miffed but I feel like I'm surrounded lately. I got the Hebrew roots people, the Catholics, the diet-Catholics, and now those I once took comfort in (the KJB believers) telling me I'm wrong. I am truly tired of being wrong. I thank my great God that He is right, and that He has preserved His Words for me to klinge to in a world of darkness. Forgive my ramblings...

Much Love in Christ Jesus,
Old 07-20-2008, 12:19 AM
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Doctrines are very serious things. Repentence is one of them. Salvation another. the Gospel yet another.

Rightly dividiing is the only way God can help you learn his word. it is only a method of study that God himself has instituted and comanded.

Most, even you, do divide scriptures. Just not rightly. the key is Righly! how is one to learn to rightly divide. Literal interpretation in the context. seeking to answer these basic questions who, what,where when and why. who is the text speaking too, why is it being said, who is speaking, where is it spoken, when was it spoken and why is it spoken. and after that answer How. how can this be applied to my life. if in fact it is something that can be today. not all learning is doctrine most is just simple instruction in righteousness.

remember you are dealing with 66 books that has at least five different types of Literature: Naratives, Historical,wisdom/Poetry, Prophecy, Epistles/Instructional, Parables, and Gospels

without setting things into a right division you will blend the Gospels of the NT into one, you will interpret one type of literatutre the same as the rest of them. you will see repentence as a whole without seeing how God has also changed his dealings of that and you'll give it always one pinpoint meaning.

the response in this post of 2tim2:25 and that it supported repentence for salvation is a clear example of not rightly dividing.

I have only been trying to help you learn more on how to righty divide so when the Hebrew name, catholics Diet and others, pentecostal/charasmatic, Jw's and New agers come at you, you will be better equipt than they. You see they are doing the same not rightly dividing while infact saying they beleive the Bible KJV or the others.

they will use the term from their new versions like rightly handle or righlty interpreting the word of God. when in fact they are not. you have trouble because we could all use the same scripture and come up with different doctrines if we don't have a sytem of study.

When you rightly divide you draw out the truth of God's word with applical means for your life. and there can only be one true meaning of the text.

Martin Luther could not reconcile the book of Romans and the book of James. He swore to give his cap (his very diploma) to anyone who could help him. His problem was he did not rightly divide. the same with the calvinist camp . and every cult, religion and alot of Christians.

Sorry to have hurt you. but the fact remians you will be at the whim of these guys, groups and their teaching until you can rightly divide the word Of Truth. If you will learn to rightly divide you will stump them and bring many questions into their minds even about Rightly Dividing the word of Truth.

Last edited by chette777; 07-20-2008 at 12:30 AM.

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