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Hello everyone,
Other than The King James Version Defended by Dr. Edward Hills, what other books are recommended with respect to the defense of the King James Bible? I have a PDF of Dr. Hill's work that I am currently reading as well as the version Brandon made available for Sword Searcher (thanks Brandon!). Are any of these available in PDF format? Thanks in advance, Harley |
You can read Dr Thomas Holland's Crowned with Glory, which is quite good (and part of SwordSearcher. I particuarly like the draft form which was called "Manuscript Evidence Class".
http://www.sovereignword.org/index.p...ts-and-the-kjb http://www.purewords.org/kjb1611/html/holland.htm#targ2 |
A few others that I have read and have had recommended to me:
"Manuscript Evidence," Ruckman "In Awe Of Thy Word," G. A. Riplinger "O Biblios, The Book," Alan O'Reilly "Final Authority," William Grady Do be warned, I have a relatively narrow literary exposure when it comes to books like you are searching for: I basically exhausted my entire knowledge of titles on this topic in this one single post! ![]() |
Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones' book "Which Version is the Bible" is very good and is free to read here:
http://www.christianmissionconnectio..._the_Bible.pdf Peace and Love, Stephen |
Any recommended reading list has to include Ruckman's commentary on Genesis. Although it's not restricted to the KJV issue, there is plenty of KJV defense there, and the book is hilarious and full of wisdom. I think it should be required reading for every High School student!
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Peace and Love, Stephen |
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I know, it's kinda hard, having only two eyeballs and all. But hey, i'm getting really good at using peripheral vision.
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The following web pages are excellent sources for information on the King James Bible Issue: The King James Bible Page at: http://av1611.com/kjbp/ King James Bible Believers at:http://www.kjv1611.org.uk/ Another King James Bible Believer at: http://www.geocities.com/brandplucked/ Authorized Version Publications at: http://www.avpublications.com/avnew/home.html PreservedWords at: http://www.preservedwords.com/ And if you would care to - you could check out some of the information on my web site {Under the title: A.V. 1611 - KING JAMES BIBLE. Listed below alongside my signature.} The following is a partial list of some of the books on this issue. BOOK LIST ‑ KING JAMES BIBLE (A.V. 1611) The following is a list of books which cover the controversial subject – Which Bible is God's Holy Word? These books are next to impossible to find ‑ as no major publisher will print them, and almost all bookstores ("Christian" or otherwise) do not carry them, yet these books represent the "other side" in the debate over what constitutes God's Word. This list is divided up into Subject Headings: A. Introductory Books B. Pamphlets C. Comparison of Versions D. In‑Depth Study E. Exhaustive In‑Depth Study All of these books have been read (at least twice) and studied by the reviewer and have been carefully evaluated according to how well they covered the subjects presented. Of course, as with all written material, the reader is encouraged to check out the authors' "opinions" and data. Keeping in mind that the subject covered by these books is the most important issue IN the entire world ‑ What Is God's Word? ‑ And also remembering that God has an eternal abiding interest in His Words. A Star "*" system of rating the books is used throughout the list: One Star * Average Two Star * * Good Three Star * * * Very Good Four Star * * * * Excellent Five Star * * * * * One of the "Best" on the Subject Covered SIX STAR * * * * * * Above All Others in the Field In fairness to the authors it should be noted that every book and pamphlet in this list is worthwhile reading. A short critique is given on each book so that the interested reader may be able to choose wisely and intelligently among them. (Proverbs 18:13) A. INTRODUCTORY BOOKS ‑ KING JAMES BIBLE CONTROVERSY BIBLE VERSION MANUAL ..................................……………………....... * * * * * Donald T. Clarke (155 pages) One of the best "First Book's" on the issue of why the King James Bible is the Word of God. A thorough introduction to many of the different subjects involved in this controversial issue. Well written and orderly progression from the Old Testament ‑ To the New Testament ‑ up to the present. Topics covered: The Old Testament; the Chronology of the King James Bible; a Chronology of the Modern Versions; Four Bibles compared; a brief history of Textual Criticism; The Living "bible"; the TEV; the NASV; fruits of the new "versions"; Burgon and Miller-faithful Scholars.(Every born‑again child of God who thinks anything of God's "Words" should take the time to read this book.) THE FOUNDATION AND AUTHORITY OF THE WORD OF GOD .............. * * * * * Bruce D. Cummons (65 pages) A 65 page booklet on why the King James Bible is the Word of God. Written by a believing pastor who is not ashamed of God's Word. This booklet covers Pastor Cummon's search for the "Words" of God and gives his personal testimony about how he found them. It also briefly talks about the "new" translations and gives a short history of the manuscript "Families" etc. Topics covered: Faith Faces "Scholarship"; My Great Discovery; Today’s "Modern Translations"; Two Manuscript Lines; and Why I believe the KJB is the Word of God.(If you don't have the time to read the Bible Version Manual, at least "make time" to read this booklet.) FINAL AUTHORITY …………………………………………………….. * * * * * William P. Grady (392 pages) Probably the most thorough “First” Introductory book (new 1993) on the subject of final authority and the King James Bible. This book has more than twice the number of pages than the Bible Version Manual and for the first time reader of the subject it is an excellent source book for laying the foundation for believing Bible study. From the beginning of church history “the issue” has been, is, and shall be (until the rapture) - Final Authority! This book examines that history and traces the transmission of God’s Holy word up to the present day in a way that honors both God and His word and exposes those who have tampered with it. Table of Contents: Final Authority; the Deeds of the Nicolaitines; the Doctrines of the Nicolaitines; the transmission of the Text; Mark 16:9-20; Causes of Corruption; the Synagogue of Satan; Two False Witnesses; Bathed in Blood; Hampton Court; the Old Black Book; Sanctioned from on High; Enter, the Jesuits; Vessels of Dishonor; Behind Closed Doors; the Midnight Hour; the cutting edge of Apostasy; and Preservation for Propagation. I heartily recommend “Final Authority” as a “first” book about the history of the Bible for those who want more than a pamphlet, or short book. THE BOOK .................................................. .……………………………….. * * * * Dick Cimino (156 pages) Another excellent "first" introductory book on why the King James Bible is the Word of god. Written by a pastor, this book clearly presents the case for the KJB and against the new translations. Topics covered: How We Got Our Bible; The Canon of Scripture; Certain Men Crept In; The Parade of Wooden Soldiers; The Art of Paraphrasing; and The KJB, A.V. 1611 Is THE BIBLE.(Easy to read and understand. Written for the man on the street, (the "layman") i.e. the average Christian, who lives and works in the real world and not the rarified atmosphere of the "academic world" of the so‑called "Scholars".) LET'S WEIGH THE EVIDENCE .................................……………………….. * * * Barry Burton (95 pages) Another "very good" short book examining many different aspects of what constitutes God's Word. Topics covered: Faith; Doubt and Confusion; Doctrines; The Living "Bible"; Omissions; History of the KJB; Copyrights: Danger: Standing for The Truth; and Preachers etc. (Very Good Teen Material) B. PAMPHLETS ABOUT THE WORD OF GOD New Eye Opener ...............................………………………... James Jasper Ray God Has Only One Bible .......................…………………..... Perry F. Rockwood Official Position of BobJonesUniversity Regarding the Corrupt Wescott and Hort Greek Text ….. Perry F. Rockwood 66 Reasons for Keeping Our Bible ............……………….. William A. Dejouge The Impregnable Rock Of Holy Scripture .......………….... David Otis Fuller Four Recognized Greek Scholars Had No Use For the Book "Which Bible" Until ........……………... David Otis Fuller I Wouldn't Dare Treat the Bible, God's Holy Infallible Word This Way !! .............……………….... David Otis Fuller How We Got Our Bible ........................………………………. Trinitarian Bible Society The Divine Original .........................…………………………. Trinitarian Bible Society Vindication of I John 5:7 ....................………………………. Trinitarian Bible Society Dear Dr. John‑Where Is My Bible? ............……………….... Herbert F. Evans Why I Believe the King James Version Is the Word of God ................................……………………... Peter S. Ruckman The Monarch of the Books .......................………………….... Peter S. Ruckman Differences in the King James Bible ...........…………………. Peter S. Ruckman About The "New" King James Bible ............……………….. Peter S. Ruckman About The New Schofield Reference Bible ..………………... Peter S. Ruckman Custer’s Last Stand ......................................………………....Pe ter S. Ruckman A Survey of the Authorized Version ..........…………………. Peter S. Ruckman The Unknown Bible ....................................…………………. Peter S. Ruckman The Alexandrian Cult (Parts 1‑8) .................……………….. Peter S. Ruckman C. COMPARISON OF VERSIONS GOD WROTE ONLY ONE BIBLE ...................................... * * * * Jasper James Ray (122 pages) Here is another Christian who stood for the King James Bible, when nearly all of the "Christian" Bible Schools etc. were starting to drift away from the Holy "Words" Of God. This book exposes the Satanic plot to displace God's Word and the methods used by the "scholars" to discredit the King James Bible. Much valuable information on the KJB controversy. Lots of pages are devoted to a comparison of the many modern translations with the King James Bible. Topics covered: Only 2 Streams Of Bibles; Omissions In 44 Versions; Facts About Modern Bibles; How To Recognize God's Word; God's Bible Teaches Separation; Plenary Verbal Inspiration. (If you can't read this book you should at least check out The "Eye Opener" Pamphlet ‑ which shows 200 places where the modern translations subtract from the HOLY Word Of God. Compare for yourself!) GOD'S INSPIRED PRESERVED BIBLE ............................... * * * The People's Gospel Hour (77 pages) This booklet exposes the errors in the "New" Bibles based on corrupt Greek Manuscripts and Texts. Compares the TEV, NEB, LIVING, RSV, NIV and ROMAN CATHOLIC VERSIONS in the many, many places where they subtract from, add to or change the "Words" of God. BIBLE VERSION MANUAL .......................................... * * * * * Donald T. Clarke (155 pages) In addition to being one of the best "First Book's" on the issue of why the King James Bible is the Word of God, this book has several excellent sections where some of the "popular" modern versions are compared to the King James Bible. Comparisons covered: Four Bibles compared; The Living "Bible"; the TEV; the NASV; and Fruits of the new "versions". (Every born‑again child of God who thinks anything of God's "Words" should take the time to read this book.) D. IN‑DEPTH STUDY OF THE KJB CONTROVERSY WHICH BIBLE? ................................................. * * * * * David Otis Fuller (350 pages) David Otis Fuller has done a real service to those of us who love the "Words" of God. He has gathered together ‑ in this volume ‑ many valuable articles or treatises in defense of the Word of God by Christian authors of years gone by. Much, if not all, of what is found in this book is no longer in print. We can be thankful that brother Fuller has seen fit to reprint the testimonies of these faithful men who, in their day, were "valiant for the truth" (Jer. 9:3). These articles testify to the fact that since the inception of the extremely corrupt Westcott and Hort Text, there have always been a few faithful men who, as best they could, have defended the "Words" of God against the hordes of apostates that have tried to cast doubt on them. These articles were written by: Terence H. Brown, Zane C. Hodges, Henry W. Corey, Robert Dick Wilson, Edward F. Hills, George Sayles Bishop, Sir Robert Anderson, Herman C. Hoskier, Alfred Martin, Benjamin C. Wilkerson and David O. Fuller. Topics covered: Why This Book?; The Learned Men; Greek Text Of The KJV; The Incomparable Wilson; Is Higher Criticism Scholarly?; The Magnificent Burgon; The English Revision Examined; The Bible And Modern Criticism; In Defense Of The Textus Receptus; The Codex Vaticanus And It's Allies; A Critical Examination Of The Westcott And Hort Textual "Theory"; and Our Authorized Bible Vindicated. TRUE OR FALSE? ............................................... * * * * * David Otis Fuller (317 pages) More articles about The Word of God, written by men who defended "The Book". As in Which Bible, many of these articles are out of print and would no longer be available to Christians were it not for Otis Fuller's labors in this field. Articles are written by: Joseph Charles Pholpot, Terence H. Brown, Louis Gaussen, Gordin P. Gardiner, Philip Mauro, John William Burgon, and Wilbur Norman Pickering. topics covered: The Authorized Version; God Was Manifest In The Flesh; The Divine Inspiration Of The Holy Scriptures; The Story Of Philip Mauro; Which Version; The Revision Revised; The Contribution Of John William Burgon To New Testament Textual Criticism. COUNTERFEIT OR GENUINE? ...................................... * * * * * David Otis Fuller (230 pages) John W. Burgon's defense of Mark 16 and John 8 ‑ also included ‑ a short biography of Burgon's life and works. In addition to Burgon's defense of these verses there are articles by Samuel Zwemmer and Donald L. Brake. If the reader doesn't have the time to read some of Burgon's complete books this condensation of some of those books will at least give you an idea of what a REAL "Scholar" is. Topics covered: the Magnificent Burgon; The Last 12 Verses Of Mark; and The Preservation Of The Scriptures. FOREVER SETTLED ……………………………………………………. * * * * * Jack Moorman (309 Pages) Not too “intellectual” or “academic”, but very thorough and especially faithful to the premise of God’s Providential Preservation of His Holy words. An Excellent In-Depth Book for someone who wants explore this subject without bogging down in the “minutiae” of the scholars pipe dreams. INTERNAL EVIDENCE OF INSPIRATION ............................. * * * * * * Harry Rimmer (244 pages) There may be more "scholarly" books on the subject of Inspiration, but after checking out ‑ John R. Rice, Edward J. Young, A. W. Pink, Benjamin B. Warfield, F. F. Bruce, Rene Pache and a Symposium by the Faculty of the Westminster Theological Seminary ‑ there is none better, or truer to the Word, or more honoring to God. Harry Rimmer presents the Bible's own case for Inspiration ....... need I say more? Topics covered: The Issue Stated; Who Chose The Books Of The Bible?; The Need Of Revelation; The Claims Of The Apostles; The Testimony Of Jesus Christ; and The Voice Of Prophecy.(This book is very rare but if you can obtain a copy you will never regret it.) THE KING JAMES VERSION DEFENDED .............................. * * * * * Edward F. Hills (254 pages) In the 1950's Edward Hills stood practically alone for the King James Bible. His short history of the Greek Manuscripts (MSS) and the way that the true Bible was preserved (through believers and the Local New Testament Churches) is the only "Faithful" explanation for the transmission of the New Testament Text. This book also contains very good information on "textual criticism" and it's effect on Schools and Churches etc. Topics covered: God's Three‑Fold Revelation Of Himself; A Short History Of Unbelief; A Short History Of Modernism; A Christian View Of The Biblical Text; The Facts Of New Testament Textual Criticism; Dean Burgon And The Traditional New Testament Text; The Traditional New Testament Text; The Textus Receptus And The King James Bible. BELIEVING BIBLE STUDY ........................................ * * * * Edward F. Hills (223 pages) Another faithful look at the history of the transmission of both the Old and New Testament Texts. Presents a Believing View of the Bible and It's Preservation. Topics covered: Believing Bible Study ‑ Old & New Testament; Can a Believing Scientist be Neutral?; A Believing View Of The Bible; Modern Versions And Ancient Evidence. FINAL AUTHORITY …………………………………………………….. * * * * William P. Grady (392 pages) From the beginning of church history “the issue” has been, is, and shall be (until the rapture) - Final Authority! This book examines that history and traces the transmission of God’s Holy word up to the present day in a way that honors both God and His word and exposes those who have tampered with it. (See description under: Introductory Books above.) THE IDENTITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT TEXT ....................... * * * * Wilbur N. Pickering (253 pages) A "scholarly" approach to identifying the Greek Text of the Bible. Written by a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. Well documented and factual throughout. Also exposes the Corrupt Foundation for the Greek texts of the modern bibles. Topics covered: Eclecticism; The Westcott & Hort Critical Theory; An Evaluation Of The Westcott & Hort Theory; The History Of The Text; Some Possible Objections; Determining The Identity Of The Text; And 50 Pages Of Appendices. (Especially good book for "scholars" who need lots of facts and documentation, and who also need to "reason out" issues.) E. EXHAUSTIVE IN‑DEPTH STUDY THE LAST TWELVE VERSES OF MARK ............................... * * * * * John W. Burgon (416 pages) Four hundred plus pages dealing with the proof for retaining the Last 12 Verses in Mark's Gospel. Burgon presents every shred of evidence – proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these verses belong in the Bible. No scholar, no teacher, no textual critic, no school, NO ONE has ever answered this mind boggling endeavor. Talk about "Scholarship"! Burgon also personally collated and collected 87,000 quotes from the church "fathers" where they quoted the Scriptures. He filled sixteen (16) handwritten volumes weighing 5 lbs. each! (Volumes that never have been published). this extraordinary man stood against the majority of the so‑called "scholars of his day .... He paid the price for being faithful, but was sure in his heart and soul that someday he would be vindicated. I am just as sure that he and the few who have followed in his footsteps will someday be vindicated for Standing ‑ Unashamed for God's Holy Word. Believing that God not only Inspired His Word, but that He also Preserved It, as He said He would!!! (Psalm 12:6&7 ‑ King James Bible) THE REVISION REVISED ......................................... * * * * * * John William Burgon (548 pages) Absolutely unanswerable work on: 1. The Greek Texts Used For All Modern English Versions. 2. A Critique Of The English Revised Version 1881. (The first "official" English "Revision" of the King James Bible) 3. A Critical Analysis Of The Westcott & Hort Textual "Theory". (Much like Darwin's "Theory" i.e. Fable of Evolution.) The textual critics and scholars have never answered one tenth of the questions and problems posed by this masterful scholar, they just ignored him and his works. Exhaustive Reading, Thoroughly Documented, Flawless Reasoning. This work presents irrefutable Proof that the Greek Texts of the Modern Bibles are worthless and were taken from a handful of old, vile and corrupt manuscripts. (This book should only be read after the reader has a good grasp of the subject and a familiarity with the many issues surrounding it.) THE TRADITIONAL TEXT ......................................... * * * * * John William Burgon (315 pages) This work by John Burgon (edited after his death by his understudy Edward Miller) lays down clearly Burgon's PRINCIPLES of textual criticism with his "SEVEN NOTES OF TRUTH", dissects and discusses the Vatican and Sinaitic Manuscripts, and shows that the "Traditional Text" which underlies the King James Bible reaches back before 400 A.D., before 300 A.D., before 200 A.D., or even 100 A.D...... back to the "Original Autographs" themselves!(As with all of Burgon's books ‑ this book has plenty of documentation, facts, and solid, sensible reasoning.) THE CAUSES OF TEXTUAL CORRUPTION ............................. * * * * * John William Burgon (290 pages) Written after "The Traditional Text", The Causes Of Textual Corruption was Burgon"s last work, and like "The Traditional Text", was edited and finished by his understudy ‑ Edward Miller. This volume illustrates the FIVE CAUSES of textual corruption which are called "ACCIDENTAL CAUSES", and a total of TEN CAUSES of textual corruption which are called "INTENTIONAL CAUSES". A master full study of textual differences in manuscripts and the reasons for these differences. Brilliantly conceived and written, nearly flawless reasoning, and faithful practical conclusions ‑ "The Causes of Textual Corruption" is in the same tradition as Burgon's other excellent books. A HISTORY OF THE DEBATE OVER 1 JOHN 5:7-8 …………………….. * * * * * * Michael Maynard (382 pages) The most exhaustive study of every shred of available evidence concerning the genuiness of 1John 5:7-8. Maynard starts in the first century and follows the trail of evidence up to the present, clearly demonstrating that this verse was tampered with and changed early in church history. Brother Maynard outdoes John Burgon in his pursuit of the evidence and ultimately – The Truth. This book should be read after the reader has thoroughly studied most of the preceding books. I personally place this book on the par with Burgon’s “Last Twelve Verses of Mark” and just like Burgon’s work, I believe the scholars and “would be scholars” will ignore it to their own destruction. THE MEN BEHIND THE KING JAMES VERSION ......................………. * * * * * Gustavus S. Paine (212 pages) A short history of the conception and creation of the King James Bible with brief biographies of many of the faithful men who were involved in It's translation. Topics covered: At Hampton Court; Bishop's Move; Puritans Progress; The Westminster Groups; The Oxford Groups; The Cambridge Groups; Starting The Work; The Good Word; The Final Touches; The Bible Printed; and The Bible Of The Learned Men Lasts. (The next time someone slanders the men who faithfully translated the King James Bible you can refer them to this book and ask them if ANY modern translator could measure up to ANY of these great men.) THE BIBLE BABEL............................................. .. * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (105 pages) A critical and practical survey of the motives, sources and methods of 20th century translations and translators. Brother Ruckman methodically dissects the "New Translations" and the "Scholars" who translated them. If you are a cultured, refined or sophisticated type of Christian, you may get offended by Dr. Ruckman's "Style" i.e. Tell It Like It Is! But what has not been found is ‑ someone, or some school who has been able to refute or disprove the facts that he presents in the defense of the Preservation of the "Words" of God found in the English Text of the King James Bible. topics covered: The time Of It's Publication; the Honesty Of It's Preservation; The Preeminent Place; The Pride And Inconsistency Of It's Critics; The "Older Manuscript" Hoax; The Chapter And Verse System; and The Psychology Of The Builders. THE CHRISTIAN'S HANDBOOK OF MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE .............. * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (227 pages) This book presents and explains Manuscript Evidence so that the Average Christian can understand what has taken place in the "Christian" universities and what has gone on in the so‑called "scholars circles". Peter Ruckman has the uncanny ability of being able to cut through all of the academic trappings of higher education's smooth, slick and sophisticated pretensions and reveals to the ordinary Christian (the guy that WORKS for a living), how proud and vain men, puffed up with "KNOWLEDGE", have privately interpreted the manuscript evidence to favor a few, a very few, corrupt Greek manuscripts (Vaticanus, Sinaiticus etc.) over the Vast Majority of the Greek Manuscripts extant in the world today. By naming names and places brother Ruckman has "ruffled a few feathers" and certainly hasn't endeared himself to the "Scholars Union". But, like John Burgon before him, Ruckman's defense of God's Holy Word is unanswerable. And, unlike John Burgon, Ruckman won't allow the "Scholars" to ignore him! Topics covered: The Great Disappearing Act; The Revival Of Third Century Superstitions; The "Yea Hath God Said Society"; The Mythological LXX; The Original ASV‑Origen's Hexapla; The Great Juggling Act; Correcting The Greek Manuscripts With The English; Bamboozling The Elect; and Final Considerations. THE ALEXANDRIAN CULT ......................................... * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (200+ pages) Eight Booklets‑a total of 200+ pages‑exposing the MEN who have been engaged in corrupting God's HOLY Word since the beginning of the Church up to the present day. Doctor Ruckman reveals the MOTIVES of the men who just can't leave God's WORDS ALONE! These articles clearly show that throughout history ‑ MONEY ‑ PRESTIGE ‑ INFLUENCE – and POWER is what has driven the MAJORITY OF THE "SCHOLARS" TO CHANGE, SUBTRACT, and ADD to God's Word. The believer gets a glimpse of the spiritual battle going on between our God, The Creator, The One Who caused the Scriptures to be Written and PRESERVED Them and the god of this world, who tries to imitate THE HOLY ONE and who tries to imitate God's HOLY Word. SATAN'S MASTERPIECE! THE NEW ASV ............................. * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (77 pages) An expose of the New American Standard Version (NASV). Includes some verse by verse comparisons with the King James Bible. this book Proves that the NASV comes from the same corrupt Greek Text that the Today’s English Version (TEV), the New English Bible (NEB), and the Revised Standard Version (RSV) come from. The only difference being that the so‑called "fundamentalists" did the translating instead of the "Infidels" and "Reprobates". If the "root" be rotten how can the "fruit" be good? Topics covered: Basic Considerations; Jehudi's Penknife At Work; Running The Lord Out Of His Book; Death In The Pot; Helping God Inspire The Originals; and Restoring The Dark Age "Bible". A SURVEY OF THE AUTHORIZED VERSION ........................... * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (22 pages) A 22 page booklet dealing with Advanced Revelation found only in the A.V. 1611 ‑ King James Bible. The details and observations found in this booklet are things that Dr. Ruckman has gleaned out of the A.V. only because he believes that the Book that he reads, studies, teaches and preaches from is God’s Holy Word. THE UNKNOWN BIBLE ............................................ * * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (101 pages) A Short book covering certain verses out of the Bible which to Ruckman's knowledge are never taught or preached on. Some of these verses are an "embarrassment" to "educated" Christians. And so many of these verses have been changed ......... Naturally! PROBLEM TEXTS ................................................ * * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (499 pages) A masterful defense of every so‑called "questionable" verse in the A.V. 1611 King James Bible. If you doubt that a certain verse should be in the Bible ‑ READ THIS BOOK. As a bonus ‑ in Appendix #10 in the back of the book there are 37 photo‑copied letters from many of the Major Bible Institutes in the U.S. These letters reveal what most of the so‑called Fundamentalists believe the Bible to be ........... A Book that God Inspired and then "LOST”. Only two (2) schools believed that the A.V. ‑ King James Bible to be God's Word without proven error! Topics covered: The Problem With The Bible; Thy Word Is True From The Beginning; The Apostate Fundamentalist; Trouble Getting Out Of Egypt; If You Believe Not Moses; The Gnat Strainers; Trouble In Beulah Land; What About Them Horses?; Button, Button, Who's Got The Button?; God Save The King; Brownies And Campfire Girls; From Ezra To Malachi; The Synoptic Gospels And The "Other" Gospel; Identifying The Modern Apostate; Etc...... THE CHRISTIAN'S HANDBOOK OF BIBLICAL SCHOLARSHIP ............. * * * * * Peter S. Ruckman (560 pages) This book may be Dr. Ruckman's last "major" contribution on the subject of the King James Bible controversy. Throughout practically all of Dr. Ruckman's books, he continually warns Christians about the APOSTASY taking place within the Body of Christ (especially in regards to the rejection by fundamentalists of the King James Bible as the Word Of God and as the Final Authority Over The Believer). No one, I repeat, NO ONE has done more to expose the Hypocrisy and outright Lying done by Fundamentalist "Leaders" and "Schools" in regards to their position on God's Word and Final Authority as Peter Ruckman has. This book reveals the MOTIVES and the METHODS of the "scholars" and the "critics" in tearing done the King James Bible. There are no "good words" or "fair speeches" to be found in this work ‑ just the plain unvarnished TRUTH. When it comes to defending The Word of God, Dr. Ruckman steps on a lot of toes. Some people disagree with his "language" or his "style", others try to imitate him. No one has been able to refute him or answer his many proofs and arguments in regards to his contention that: GOD HAS PRESERVED HIS WORDS ‑ AND YOU CAN FIND THEM, WITHOUT ANY PROVEN ERROR, IN THE A.V. 1611 KING JAMES BIBLE!!! It has been many years since I have updated this list. Since then numerous authors have come out in defense of God’s Holy Scriptures. Some of the new books on this subject are very good. The following Authors have some excellent newer Books on the King James Bible Issue: G. A. Riplinger Floyd Nolen Jones Thomas Holland Douglas D. Stauffer Laurence M. Vance See:The King James Bible Page at: http://av1611.com/kjbp/ for information on these authors (and others) and their books, plus lots of other information (Comparison of versions - "Westcott's & Hort's Magic Marker Binge", etc.) |
Some great works out there is for sure.
One of the simple works and with a bird's eye view is the book by Les Garrettt, "Which Bible Can We Trust?" It includes a History of the English Bible. He compares the two lineages; one of the Holy Bible and the other of the tainted versions. He spends some time on Burgon and Philip Mauro. He is from Queensland, Australia. And if I remember the video correctly, he stated that he was of Pentacostal origins? I use his concordance many times. The concordance shows some 60 pages of errors in various Modern Bibles. NASB, errors listed 909 RV, errors listed 788 NWT, errors listed 767 NIV, errors listed 695 GNforMN, errors listed 614 Amp., errors listed 484 D-R, errors listed 421 Old JW King James errors listed 120 ******* In the Appendix C he has the Variations in the Readings of the Codex Sinaticus. He compares it to the AV readings. ******* Another good book for some historical input is by James H. Sightler. "A Testimony Founded For Ever"...The King James Bible Defended in Faith and History. Also one can get any older book on Various Bible subjects at Good Books.[also known as "Scholarly Reprints"] All Photographic copies. I have the two volume set of Codex B and it's Allies by Hoskier 1914 Also from Good Books I have "The Authorized Edition of the English Bible [1611]" by Scrivener. 1884 Finally, I have "A Vindication Of The English Bible From Charges Brought Against It By Recent Writers." By Rev. Malan 1856 ******* PeterAV Every word of God is pure: |
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