Originally Posted by Brother Tim
I most definitely believe that the soul is created at conception. In fact (and not to start another topic here) I believe that the soul and spirit are distinct but inseparable except by the Sword (Word of God). [Hebrews 4:12]
The alternative of the introduction of the soul at birth not only opens the door wide for unrestricted abortion by removing the moral aspect, but it also brings total confusion as to the current and future circumstance of those who die in the womb, intentionally or unintentionally. That is horrendously troubling to me.
To me it doesn't diminish life by believing that the soul comes with the first breath. Personally, I value a human conception, regardless of what he or she is made up of. To me, a God created spirit and body being murdered is as bad as a God created spirit, soul, and body being murdered! That is a horrendously troubling thought to me. But I respect your view.
The subject of spirit, soul, & body of man is something the Lord has not opened my eyes to yet.