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Old 10-07-2008, 02:44 PM
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Default Let me tell you what love is

Love is like prophets of old, such as Jeremiah. They loved their people.
This is one thing not so obvious when studying prophets of old, but once alerted to the fact, one sees it greatly how much prophets loved their people.

Jeremiah was told by God that those who fled to Egypt would die. Although, Jeremiah was forced to go to Egypt and did die consequently, he could have beat feet out of dodge long before then, but he did not, knowing his fate, he did not abandon his people that he loved.

Jeremiah by world's standards would be deemed as the most unsuccessful man ever alive, possibly. What a loser, most would probably conclude.
But to God, oh to God, he was the biggest success...for he was his servant.

In this life, it does not matter if we lose or fail, but if we are a servant of God.

I want to rightly divide His Word and use it effectively. And I see from this topic (that I started) that I need to firmly use Scripture to support my words more, and that this is indeed important. For that I am very sorry, and I realize that I have offended people by what I said, and I am sorry about that too. I hope that you will find that I my words here are in hopes of helping people to be more careful about using all of Scripture and not just cut and paste Scripture to suit self.
The Law was made for the Lawless, and people trying to change the Law are indeed self-pleasing. In the same way, I truly believe that Scripture verses can be cut and pasted to the point of idolatry, which is about "self".
Paul said to Timothy to guard the treasure.
Is not the King James Bible God's Word to treasure in its entirety?

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