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Old 10-02-2008, 04:25 PM
Posts: n/a

A question or two for wwjd.usa,

If it were possible to not sin for a whole day, why not two? or three? ...surely giving up sin completely would just be a matter of time and effort on the part of the (ex) sinner, just like giving up smoking or day at a time until you are "clean"?

Once you had defeated sin, the original curse would no longer have a hold on you, would this mean you would never have to die and face judgement? or would the sins that you commited before you defeated sin still condem you?
or, now being perfect by your own effort, would you then have the ability to forgive yourself of those earler sins as well?

Once you have achieved this state of perfection, would you even need the Bible? as most of it would not apply to you anymore...especially the bit about Jesus dying for your sins....a sacrifice now totally redundant.


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