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Old 09-29-2008, 06:48 PM
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Biblestudent Biblestudent is offline
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Hello, herami!

1. "Midweek" Rapture has the same problem with "Midtrib" Rapture - both have the church into the "midst" of Daniel's 70th week. Was not the 70th week one of the major arguments why there are Pre-tribbers?

What is happening now is a change in terminology so one can claim to be Pre-trib by changing "midtrib" to "midweek". Midweek rapture is the same as "pre-wrath" rapture - the Midtribbers' term. Both use the same approach - they have the church having part in Daniel's prophecy.

The words "Tribulation Period" and "Rapture" are terms not found in Scripture but used to describe a Biblical doctrine or event. One does not have to look for the word "Rapture" to prove that there is a rapture. Why are week to look for a verse that calls the whole week a "Tribulation Period"? Is there a verse in the Bible that says the first half is NOT "tribulation"?

Daniel's 70th week is Tribulation period:
1st half - beginning of sorrows
2nd half - great tribulation

If the church will be raptured "midweek", why not "postweek"? The last half is indeed "great tribulation", but where do one get Scriptural proof that the church won't go through the great trib and be raptured before the second coming (ex. Rev. 6:18)?

Failure to distinguish between Daniel's prophecy concerning ISRAEL and Paul's mystery of the CHURCH will give way to every wind of doctrine.

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