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Old 09-26-2008, 03:46 PM
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Let me commend you on your post. I also see the church in the tribulation. It is sometimes difficult to state something when almost eveyone else sees it the other way. But many times the multitude is wrong and the few are correct.

Of course, eveyone quotes the Bible in giving their interpretation. Some will scoff at your visions, saying it does not apply today. Regretabbly, many believers study the Bible as they study history, geography or mathematics. However, the Holy Spirit inspired the word and only the Holy Spirit can reveal or explain it.

Factually, I know that many who proclaim belief in the pre-tribulation rapture got the idea from books or from the churches they attend. Not many have actually read the Word with an open mind on this subject.

You are on the right track. Keep fighting the good fight of faith.

I am thinking of opening a thread on the subject of the rapture but I am hesitant.


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