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Old 09-20-2008, 05:04 AM
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Default Ray comfort way and Paul's way

Acts 17 is a perfect example of no law being preached and people being saved.

So Is Ray comfort's way of the master a Biblically correct way to witness or street preach?

with the Jews Paul uses scripture but to prove Christ is the Messiah not to convict Jews of sin and not keeping the law. When Paul speaks of the law being lawful when used lawfully he is not speaking of witnessing but a lifestyle.

when Paul speaks of the Law being school master leading them to Christ. He is speaking to Jews as to the purpose of the law. not to convict of Gentiles of sin.

With the Gentiles in Acts 17, Paul uses Philosophic and Stoick reasoning and their own poets to point to judgement of the dead by Christ whom God raised from the dead. he did not try to get them to see if they kept all the laws of the Jews but rather said that nature and ll things created were to help them find God if they so felt moved by those to find Him.

I think the reason men create these methods is because of lack of faith that men will beleive the simple gospel. so in order to be able to count how many came to Christ you would need systems of evangelism that were only developed in these last days of the last days.

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