Originally Posted by Scott Simons
You need to get out of the Left Right paradigm, or you are not going see what is coming.
I have watched some of Alex Jones videos. A friend of mine is into his stuff. To be honest with you I am not a fan of Alex Jones. I am not a fan of any of these government conspiracy theorists. Could there be some truth to their theories? Probably so. But the thing I don't appreciate about these people is that they have everyone focusing on all these government conspiracies, the 9/11 inside job theory, the need to go back to a gold standard, etc., when our focus ought to be on things above, not on things on this earth (Col. 3:2). We are entangled enough with the affairs of this life. This world is not our home, we're just pilgrims and strangers passing through. As much as I applaud Palin's good stand against abortion, and McCain's service for our country as a war veteran and as a former POW, my hope is not in the Republican Party, nor the Independent Party, the Constitutional Party, the Ron Paul movement, or any other political group. My hope is in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. When he comes, he'll straighten this whole mess out and set up a perfect government (Isa. 9:6-7), of which we'll be a part of (Rev. 5:10). That's what I'm looking forward to!
These guys like Alex Jones will get you all worked up about things that you have absolutely no control over. The Bible tells us everything we need to know about the world system without the help of guys like Alex Jones. The Bible already told as that there is wickedness in "high places" (Eph. 6:12). Why are we surprised when wickedness prevails in society and in the world system? Isn't the god of this world the devil? (II Cor. 4:4) Things are going to get worse before it gets better. The world is going exactly in the direction the Bible said it would go. Apostacy. All guys like Alex Jones does is cater to the Athenian lust of hearing some new thing (Act 17:21). But all his ramblings are irrelevant.
Our duty is not to get all worked up about the things happening behind closed doors in the government that we can't do anything about anyways. Our duty is to preach the Gospel, rescue the perishing, and care for the dying. Alex Jones and his ilk may be good for entertainment purposes but that's about it. Christians need a revival in holiness, a burden for sinners, and a stronger commitment to God's will, not more knowledge about government conspiracies that we have no control over, especially considering that God is in control and everything is going according to his plan anyways (no I'm not a Calvinist).