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Old 09-03-2008, 02:54 PM
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Default Cambridge Large Text Bible

Just wanted to report (just received it) about this one and how it compares to this...


It is important to have the correct, perfect and final text of the King James Bible, since there are correctors (e.g. publishers) who have changed some aspects of King James Bible texts. The final form of the King James Bible is the Pure Cambridge Edition (circa 1900), which conforms to the following:

1. “or Sheba” not “and Sheba” in Joshua 19:2

2. “sin” not “sins” in 2 Chronicles 33:19

3. “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” in Job 33:4

4. “whom ye” not “whom he” in Jeremiah 34:16

5. “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” in Ezekiel 11:24

6. “flieth” not “fleeth” in Nahum 3:16

7. “Spirit” not “spirit” in Matthew 4:1

8. “further” not “farther” in Matthew 26:39

9. “bewrayeth” not “betrayeth” in Matthew 26:73

10. “Spirit” not “spirit” in Mark 1:12

11. “spirit” not “Spirit” in Acts 11:28

12. “spirit” not “Spirit” in 1 John 5:8

All are correct in my new Cambridge Large Print Text only Bible, except this last one (verse 1 John 5:8). It has "Spirit". I have a smaller Cambridge that was probably made in the early 1970's or even the very end of the 1960's that has "spirit" in 1 John 5:8.

Question...I have been looking up a little bit on the KJV editions that I have, and I would like to inquire...if it does not match up to these indications/verses posted above, do we deem the whole Bible as being possibly edited, or can we trust it anyway???

Is there some code of ethics or standards given to the publication of the KJV or it is so uncopyrighted that it is a free for all for any publisher to alter it at will? Or ???

I would venture to guess that the publisher would want to be as original as possible as to please the KJV customer...but...I admit I am in the land of new found ignorance here.

Does someone know about more of this in this past century? Links online? Can most KJV versions be trusted? Are the verses mentioned above just indications of what to look for, or are these the only obvious changes made in KJV versions or could there be many more? If many more, which ones should we avoid?

I saw that the Cambridge Bible that I bought that is a Cambridge Large Print Text (only) that a company Trinitarian also makes/publishes one like this the same edition??? Or is it older? Or?

Thanks bunches for your thoughts, comments, and time.

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