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Old 02-24-2008, 12:55 AM
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Default Help.... The JW's are knocking!!

I would like some help, most all the threads and postings I have read I agree with, so I am entrusting fellow brother's and sisters in Christ to help me with this problem. I am by no MEANS a Bible wiz. I do read, study, and apply myself to God's word (KJV). But lately I am dealing with a family memeber who is a Jehovahs witness, and I can't answer all her questions. First, They believe Jesus (our savior) is not God, they say "he is a god" and they do not believe in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy spirit, all being one) I need some scripture (KJV) to put this question Down!. Second, they do not believe in Hell. I have found scripture to prove there is a Hell, (mainly in Rev.) but they say that this is just a "Version of scripture". I get so down on myself when I don't have the answers. I pray about it, but sometimes I still feel I am fighting a losing battle. If anyone can help me I would greatly appriciate it. Please pray for me in this endevor, for this is a family member that is lost, and I do care and want her to find salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks a bunch!

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