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Old 08-27-2008, 01:18 PM
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Default Greetings from Florida

Hi, Just wanted to say that its great to be in the company of other Bible Believers.
I believe that the AV1611 is perfect, every word, every jot and tittle, from cover to cover.
I am a former catholic, and also a former Jehovahs Witness. I ws a "wittness" for about a year, back in 1989. I was SAVED in 1991 in Bible Baptist Church in Neptune, NJ( now gone).
I can say, as a former "JW' that the bible that JEWs hate the most, and ridicule is the KJV.
The main reason I left the JWs was over the bible itself, as they used multiple versions to "prove" their dogma. That just never made sense to me. I always believed that God had to be able to perfectly preserve His words somewhere. After I left the watchtower, I was left with alot of bitterness and anger at church in general, and the bible. At about the same time, my marraige broke up as well, and I was living in a tiny apartment in Ocean Grove, NJ. I used to watch alot of TV, and I would watch the "TV preachers". I was looking for truth, I guess.
One nite they had a "drawing men to Christ" TV show on, with Dr Ruckman. He was the first preacher I had evver seen who sounded like he ment what he said, and said that the KJV was the only real Bible. a few weeks later, I was on a church bus and on my way to an evening service where I got saved on June 7th, 1991
Again, Im happy to be here and to be associated with other Bible Believers!

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