Believers view of sin
Although I do not reply to often, and this is my first thread, I frequently visit and enjoy all the information shared by Bible believers. I have found it hard lately to be able to scripturally describe the feeling we should have towards sin. Many believe the Bible, go to church, and live their normal lives. Most even pray regularly, confessing their sins as they should. I read in many discussions the issue of eternal security. I believe that once saved, always saved as many put it. Still there is the issue that many believers do not think much about committing sins. I have tried to compare how sin was viewed in the Old Testament with today’s view. The Old Testament teaches that you must sacrifice your animal, or trade the equivalent of, to God for forgiveness. Even children understand that if it meant you must sacrifice your pet for stealing then this would be a deterrent from stealing. But what about today? I feel that when we realize the price that was paid for our sins and realize what Christ had to endure for us then this is more than enough of a deterrent from sin. Many still do not understand how severe sin can be to our lives as well as the lives around us. Many feel that this sin is only a little sin and they do not feel or see how important it is to stay holy. Before heading into many scriptures concerning the penalty for sins in a Christian life I am interested in this group thoughts on how to pursued fellow Christians to stay away from sin regardless of temptation by realizing its affect on us. Thank you