08-03-2008, 08:49 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 462
misprint only in the original autographs !
Hi Folks,
Originally Posted by Will Kinney
StudyLight and find the original 1611 online. It is just as you say: "Ye blind guides, which straine at a gnat, and swallow a camel." ... http://www.studylight.org/ Just type in Matthew 23:24 and scroll down to "early versions", then click on KJV 1611 edition.
Thanks, Will. That is a bit complicated for Daniel Wallace. Or else he only goes with the 'original autographs' so even the 1611 text he saw didn't count. We know the 'original autographs' can be made to be anything you want . And Daniel Wallace wants them to be a 'scribal corruption'. We can't disturb him with real texts and MSS when he has such a theory.
The Wallace theory:
a misprint only in the original autographs !