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Old 07-01-2008, 02:30 AM
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Luke Luke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 594
Default and Loss of Salvation

Despite sister Tracy's claims to be a Bible Believer, here she goes and completely turns God's grace into something it isn't (apparently you can lose your salvation according to her).

Also, here is another heretical page

In it she says that you can't be saved without complete surrender to Jesus Christ. On the site, she gives a definition of antinomian

ANTINO'MIAN, n. One of a sect who maintain, that, under the gospel dispensation, the law is of no use or obligation; or who hold doctrines which supersede the necessity of good works and a virtuous life. This sect originated with John Agricola about the year 1538.

While that is a right definition, Bible Believers and Non-Lordship People (Charles Ryrie, Charles Stanley for example) do not fall into that category. No free grace advocate I know of will exclude good moral behaviour from the christian life. Nor will they exclude the law from salvation, because the Law LEADS us to Christ (it is a schoolmaster!). What they will claim, and is true, is that good works and morals do not contribute to salvation, or even prove salvation.

The Lordship Salvation groups takes the opposite stand, and if you read that article, you will see that Tracy teaches none other than a works based gospel, and this is evident in her outstanding support for Charles G Finney, on her other website ""

Sister Tracy accuses Bible Believers of believing something that they do not. Be warned about is a much better site, but not without it's own pecularities.

God bless

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