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Old 06-23-2008, 01:22 PM
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Default I get so tired.....

I have just recently found a site called the Baptist board, it seems like a good board and I'm new so I don't know it that well.
But they have a section dedicated to Bible Versions. In that they say that you can't get into KJO contravercies, and you can't refer to the new Versions as perversions or satanic.
I just got to say that I am so tired of weak easily offended Christians. So what if someone calls the NIV corrupt, is it, when they take out Lucifer and replace it with Morning Star isn't that corrupting the Word of God,or when they take out Lord 39-40 times isn't that perverting the text.
I know this may seem a little harsh but I just don't get Christians that don't have backbones. If you want to call the AV "king Jimmys Bible" or whatever, go ahead call it what ever you wan't, I won't have to stand before God for what you say.
Also I know there are some who say that if you read another version, you can't get saved. Well I definently don't believe that, I mean even a good gospel track contains enough scripture to get saved. Course there is more to the Christian life than just getting saved, if you would rather have a bean bag instead of a Sharp two eged Sword, its your neck not mine.
I'm not aming this at anyone inpaticular, its just this Laodicean attitude, week
Christians were if the preacher preaches to hard a sermon they don't come back for a month or two.
I tell you what, I'd much rather let a Good preacher preach the hell out of me here on earth, than to have God do it at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Well that is all, I hope all have a good day,
Oh and again, I'm not aming this at any one person, but if the shoe fits, wear it.

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