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questions to ask
Spot on. Like the various cult members who knock on your door,New age version users cannot give difinitive answers to any of these questions. Can you imagine the course of the conversation if a Jehovas Witness knocks on the door of the new age version user? J.W... 'My New World Translation says that Jesus was not God in the flesh" NAVU... "Well, my Bible of the Month version seems to indicate that, barring any translation or scribal errors, he could have been!!" J.W... "Prove it" NAVU... " Well, I cant be 100% sure, the words werent translated exctly, more like a general thought tranference. And I dont have the originals.....but we can check out what the Greek says!" J.W... "Hey, is that a copy of Wescott and Horts Greek New Testament you have there?" NAVU... ' Yep, I got it at Bible college" J.W... "Wow!, Its the same one we use at Watchtower trianing sessions. NAVU... "Really?, well maybe we have more in common than I thought, would you like to come in for a cup of tea?, by the way, what do you think of the King James Bible? J.W... "We dont use it anymore, its too different from our bible." Navu..." Right on, brother, I agree....." Group hug anyone??? Fundy |