Originally Posted by PB1789
BibleStudent:--- Hmmmm---Well I looked at the first 2 examples that you listed and I don't see any wrong with them. 1Cor 11:1, and Eph. 5:1---Don't know who this Reese guy is , but he might be one of the types of people that hates the idea of a any Bible with study helps in it.
The Thread Starter asked for suggestions for a Study Bible. I'm assuming that he already has a Text (or Pew) Bible. The Study helps are there to STUDY with such as the Cyclpedic Index up front and the several other things that I listed above. Very helpful if you are preparing a Sunday School or Vacation Bible Bible School message, or trying to find out why Paul wrote different letters to different Churches,etc..
If there was something "wrong" or "wacky" such as the Pentecostal "Full-Life" or the "Dakes"...then I would not have recommended it.
BTW---I do NOT own any stock in Thomas Nelson company---
Wish we could edit these posts---was in a hurry to get to work this AM.
The above should read: any. Not: a any Study Bible. Cyclopedic Index , not the other non-word.
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Scott:--- BINGO! to your above post. BTW-I've seen-but never owned the Companion Bible. It is published by Kregel. The Thompson can be seen at
Hope this helps the thread starter. Try your local Christian Bookstore ( if there is one) and check them out.