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Old 05-19-2008, 09:50 PM
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Luke Luke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 594
Default Shocking Video Stuns Listeners

Has anyone seen the video I am referring to?

If you haven't, I'm not going to link it (you don't want to see it. Waste of time).

What do those who have seen it think of it?

Is it the next "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God" as half the internet seem to be proclaiming, or is it simply false doctrine (SITHOAAG had it's fair share of false doctrine too)?

My major concern is that Paul Washer honestly doubts the salvation of EVERYONE in that room, because they do not match up to his definition of biblical salvation (which is skewed by his hypercalvinist views of doublepredestination). Essentially, if you don't live like a Christian, you AREN'T saved, according to Mr Washer. If you haven't forsaken your sins, you aren't saved (what about the sin of ROCK MUSIC Mr Washer. Those drums look mighty purdy standing there behind you. You didn't mention it once in your sermon, and since you happily preached at this convention, it seems you don't care).

What do the Bible Believers think?

And I'm NOT asking the calvinists on here who love defending their "doctrines of grace", which are not very gracious at all. I understand their reasoning "Oh, God is so graceful that he chose to even save some of us despite our wickedness". But they never mention that they believe God "eternally decreed that Adam would fall and mankind would become wicked".

The grace of God hath appeared to ALL men.

Anyway, about Paul Washer, what saith the scriptures?

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