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Old 05-18-2008, 07:08 PM
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Default Greek, Hebrew, Scholary Articles: To Use or Not to Use, That is the Question

I am interested in knowing what the strict KJVOnly thinks about using the Greek, Hebrew and scholars.

There are articles on that are written by scholars. There are also discussion on the Greek and Hebrew.

Diligent, please do not view this as a personal affront, but why do you write the following if you are willing to use the original biblical languages and scholarly articles? This seems inconsistent.

But it is apparant that there are people who have nothing better to do than to actively seek an undermining of peoples' faith in the Bible and try to build up secondary authorities (ie, the elusive "The Greek" or other scholars). I have already banned some of the most egregious offenders, but I am wondering if a more stringent policy is warranted.

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