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Old 04-30-2008, 10:51 AM
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Wow - there is no arguing or debating with someone who refuses to take the Bible literally and at face value. Whatever anyone says and shows from the Bible on the subject, you will explain away again. These are my last words in this debate with you - as it is pointless. I will gladly debate with someone who cares about God's Word and is willing to debate what it actually states - not symbolizing it and explaining it away.
You must have only read the last paragraph of my post. That's more or less a "summation." Above it I try to prove everything by Scripture. You have not given any Scriptures to prove your point, you only make declarations. For example

Satan already fell from Heaven - but Revelation 12 teaches he has yet to
be cast out of Heaven. He still has access to accuse the brethren before
the Lord - until the midpoint of the Tribulation period when he is cast out.
When did Satan fall from heaven? How are you able to position Revelation 12 in the midpoint of the Tribulation? Who are the brethren? If you cannot show by Scripture, then at least give me page number, name of the book, and author of the book, you have learned all that from.


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