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Old 04-15-2008, 01:04 AM
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Luke Luke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 594
Default How does one love Jesus?

This may not be the best forum for this question, since it seems to be more of a discussion forum than a fellowship forum, but I was wondering what it means to love Jesus.

I love Jesus because he saved me from my sins, and died on the cross for me, but as a human, I am unable to express it with any great depth of emotion. I cannot fathom the depths of love that Christ shewed on that cross, and I feel that I am doing him a dishonour, and almost simply paying "lip service" to God in my prayers.

I want to love Jesus more. I want to desire his truth more and more. How does one do this? I try to keep his commandments "if ye love me, keep my commandments", but fail oftentimes. I pray for grace to trust him more, and love him more, but I still feel as though I just don't love him enough.

I feel ashamed at times that I don't love or express my love for God as much as I ought to. I just can't do it. I don't know how to express love to a God I cannot see. I don't mean that I don't believe. I do. I believe the Gospel as best I can understand it. I believe Jesus died for my sins, and that I have received him by faith the best way I know how. I know I am saved by Jesus blood. But I don't know how to show gratitude for that. Works of mine are nothing. Words of mine are nothing. Is there anything I can do to love God more?

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