Originally Posted by Brother Tim
Secondly, it is dangerous to use anecdotal examples to define doctrine. For every situation where from the human point-of-view things have worked out, there are many where they have not. Anytime we violate God's perfect design for marriage, there are consequences, regardless of how "right" it appears.
I believe that those that have given examples have used scripture to back up the Biblical soundness of the exceptions given in the scriptures for a divorce.
We are to apply scripture to our lives and situations, correct?
You are right though that God's perfect design is that marriages remain whole. Although, you can't deny that man messed that up and that God gave examples of what to do when things get messed up. and yes, of course there are consequences suffered by all in a divorce, but then what. God gives us instruction on how to put the pieces back together. Do we ignore the instructions, because God's design of marriage has been destroyed by man?