True Jerry, but the seal I'm talking about is before the Great Tribulation even starts. This seal is the seal that the Holy Spirit seals believers with until the day of redemption(Eph 4 in addition to placing believers in the Body of Christ. All of that is soley based on putting ones trust the finished work at Calvary. However when the tribulation starts, people who get saved from that time on, will be in the state that O.T. saints were before Calvary. No one in the tribulation will be sealed by the Holy Spirit, or placed in to the Body of Christ by spiritual baptism, hence there will be an element of works i.e. keeping the commandents of God throughout the tribulation period ( Rev. 14:12 ; 12:17). Tribulation saints have faith in Jesus Christ, and keep the commandments of God. They also have to have the mark of the beast in order to buy and sell(Rev.13:17). Tribulation saints are going to starve because they cannot take the mark of the beast(Rev. 7:16), if they take it, they will lose their salvation (Rev.14:9-10) Many are martyed during that time for their faith in Jesus and testimony of his word (Rev 20:4 ; 6:9). The Church age saints that are raptured before the tribulation are in Rev. 5:8-12. And by the way, I apologize for any nasty remark towards you. I am not as well versed as alot on this post, and the reason I joined is so that I can learn from different sources, but then again I also learned that scripture with scripture, and rightly dividing the word of truth must prevail over opinions, and sometimes you can't always have nice little chit chats with others, especially when it comes to staying true to Authorized Version. Anyway, my apologies