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Old 04-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Diligent, I don't take anything anyone has said specifically about my arguments to be personal, I only take the personal comments as personal and the thread is full of them. And just as you say one can't read intent in this medium, I don't really feel all that offended as you think I am, I'm just calling it as I see it. But I certainly don't appreciate the atmosphere of continual personal comment in a discussion about an objective question of the meaning of scripture.

I do NOT "rely on" commentators, Diligent. In my original study I made GOOD use of them, dozens of them, in supporting my own personal reading of that scripture. That is the proper way to make a case for an interpretation of scripture, to acknowledge all the points of view on it you can find, and make your case for and against as you personally read it. I must have read and heard at least thirty commentators and preachers on the subject, in fact I'm sure in my original study I covered Clarke and Barnes too, because I covered all the commentaries on various internet Bible sites, but in their case I no doubt just tallied them up on the side of the head covering and against hair when I understood that was what they were saying, without quoting them, so I didn't remember what they said.

I agree with some commentators and disagree with others. I do think it is something to think about that there are no commentaries from before the 20th century that argue Paul meant long hair is the head covering. Yes, you are unfortunately wrong about Barnes and Clarke, they certainly did not say it was hair, and I honestly cannot see how you continue to think they did. I read them when you posted them and there is no other conclusion. You aren't going to listen to me, but maybe you'd think about a dozen men who agree with me. Or maybe not, but in any case there is no other way to argue this. I made my statement that the hair interpretation began recently and you answered with a couple of commentaries you think show me wrong and I answered back that they don't show that at all, but then I get criticized for answering you. What else am I going to do?

Yes, I consider some of you to have been engaging in accusation, personal accusation, which should have no part in this discussion. Three on this thread have made the subject matter personal instead of addressing the topic. People who don't know me and have no rightful authority over me. There is something very wrong with this.

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