How about a doctor confirming this woman was healed of what they had clearly documented was previously wrong with her? Too many claims of healing, yet nothing to back it up except that the person temporarily felt better. Well, anyone with adrenaline or other body chemicals coursing through their system are going to feel better for a little while - but that is not healing. Healing is a specific medical problem cured completely. Having a warm feeling in a back that was sore that morning is not a healing. Having a finger grow back that was amputated, that is healing. Having sight restored is healing. Having documented cancer going away completely (not just in remission for a few days), that is healing. All of these can be confirmed medically - and not just by the patient's testimony after a service. I am sure they are still feeling the rush and thinking that they are healed, until they get wheeled back out of the church again in their wheelchairs or still hobbling on their crutches...