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Old 03-31-2008, 10:23 PM
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bibleprotector bibleprotector is offline
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So that would be double inspiration?
What of derivitive inspiration?
What of the accurate faithful translations in non-English?
I believe in only one inspiration of the Bible as we have it today. There cannot be any more inspiration after when the Canon was closed with the Revelation of John. The power of inspiration has been retained by preservation, despite the scattering of copies. Therefore, the King James Bible is the inspired Word of God, but its translators were not inspired, and there was no inspiration between 1604 to 1611. Rather, the translators were chief gatherers of the preserved Scripture which was originally inspiried, transmitted via copies and faithfully compiled together.

While the Word of God has come forth in many forms, and various copies, and various versions and translations, we yet have the best, full and final form of the Scripture. I think that the King James Bible is more accurate than any extant copy or any version today. And I think that no improvement can be made on the King James Bible, and that no other new translation in any language will come close. Therefore, I think that the King James Bible is it, and as the world speaks English more and more, and as true Christianity is more and more linked with the retention of the King James Bible, I think in time true believers all over the world in every nation will have one Bible. I am also aiming at this, because I think that this is what Providence is indicating.

And so, just as the Geneva Bible was left behind, not because it was bad, but because there was "one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the English Tongue", so I think that all other good foreign translations (and original language compilations) are now really being superseded, even as they are now highly diminished, for learning, for use, for dissemination.

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