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Old 07-03-2009, 04:33 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jassy View Post
Brother Tony, Thanks for the GREAT books link! I downloaded some of them to read!

I trust the LORD to guide me in what to believe and what to kindly discard from man's writings. We do the same when hearing a sermon, don't we? We aren't looking to correct... but simply to compare with Scripture for the accuracy and to know if it is something edifying for our Christian life or not.

I think these books may help me when trying to show the difference between LAW and GRACE - for those stubborn Sabbath-day keepers!!

You are very welcome sister. There is some great reading over there. As I said though, you have to filter Stam, he came out of the Dutch Reformed Church in Holland Michican and is a petrified, stone hard absolute predestiniarian Calvinist.

Grace and peace


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