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Re: "Rightly Dividing The Book of Acts"
Aloha all,
These Posts are not meant as teaching commentaries (i.e. a verse by verse exposition); if they were they would be much longer and far more detailed. The purpose of these Posts is to point out WHERE, in the early Chapters of the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit was dealing exclusively with the nation of Israel (Jews and Proselyte Jews) and WHY He hadn’t turned to the Gentiles - yet. As I have pointed out (over and over) in Acts Chapters 2 through 5, Peter and the rest of the Apostles have continually confined their preaching and teaching to the nation of Israel, and they continue to do so in Acts Chapter 6. They have yet to address the Gentiles – separately; because God has NOT led them to do so - yet. And WHY is that so? Because of the explicit instructions the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples AFTER His resurrection: Quote:
According to the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ: He was “NOT SENT but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” And AFTER His resurrection and upon giving His disciples specific instructions about HOW (and to WHOM) He was “sending” them out, He said: “as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” To WHOM was the Lord Jesus Christ SENT? - To NO ONE, “but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” To WHOM were the Lord Jesus Christ’s disciples SENT? - According to the Lord’s own words: “as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” The disciples were sent to NO ONE (to begin with) “but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” This is WHY they (the Apostles and Disciples) CONFINED their preaching to the Jews and Proselyte Jews ONLY in Acts Chapters 2 through 6. Do you see that little word “AS”? It means in the “same manner” or “similar”. In the Bible, the words “AS” & “LIKE” can clear up a whole lot of man made “confusion” – IF people would only pay attention as to WHERE they are used. When studying the Scriptures it is always necessary for us to rightly divide “the word of truth”. That means that we must always keep in mind the distinction that the Scriptures make between the JEW; the GENTILE; and the CHURCH {where there is neither Jew nor Greek (i.e. Gentile) – Galatians 3:28& Colossians 3:11}. In addition we must always keep in mind that the Bible is not only a Book about “Doctrine” and about “Spiritual” matters, it is also a Book about “History”; and in order to arrive at the “Truth” of Scripture we must always take the “historical context” into consideration when “rightly dividing the word of truth”. That simply means that we cannot “project” what we “know” NOW (as Christians) back into the “historical setting”. We must accept the written record WHERE, WHEN and HOW we find it, and not make it “say” or “mean” something other than what it says in the “historical context”. As you read - Ask yourself: WHO is speaking? And to WHOM is he speaking to? Quote:
{“apostles” = 17 times; “fathers” = 17 times; “brethren” = 13 times; “prophet” = 12 times; “priests” = 11 times; “council” = 7 times; “Abraham” = 7 times; David = 6 times; “sons” = 4 times; “disciples” = 4 times; “men of Israel” = 3 times; “house of Israel” = 2 times; “Jews” = 2 times; “Hebrews” = 1 time; and “daughters” = 1 time; for a total of 107 references.} In Acts Chapters 1 through 7 – There are at least 107 references made exclusively TO the people of the nation of Israel and NONE made directly TO the Gentiles! WHAT MORE does someone “need” in order to understand that in the first 7 Chapters of the Book of Acts, the Lord God (through the guiding of the Holy Spirit) led the Apostles and Disciples to preach ONLY to Jews and Proselyte Jews, and DID NOT “extend” that preaching to the Gentiles until AFTER the stoning of Stephen (the rejection of the Holy Spirit by the nation of Israel - which is the turning point of the Book Of Acts!), whereupon the Lord began to turn unto the “Gentiles” – who are referenced 28 times from Acts 8 through Acts 28! In the next Post (Stephen's address to the nation of Israel - "he, being full of the Holy Ghost" [Acts 7:55]) it will be abundantly clear that the entire "address" is meant exclusively for the Nation of Israel, and them ALONE! |