Originally Posted by CKG
Why would Jesus liken the last days before His second coming to the days of Noe? If you read what it says, the attitude of the people in light of the coming judgment is the context of Matthew 24:37-41 and Luke 17:26-30. That is what Jesus is telling us and nothing else. They continued their lives with a "business as usual" mentality and ignored the coming judgment. This is the point Jesus is making.
Oh, that isn't all...
Unless I missed it, no one has yet referenced Daniel 2 in connection to the words of Christ mentioned aboved and Gen. 6.
Dan. 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
There are the
days of Noe in the future during the tribulation. And the wickedness condoned and encouraged by the presence of the Devil Incarnate is only comparable to the result of the sons of God cohabitting with the daughters of men. That wickedness that followed invited the judgment of God (flood) just as will the future.