Well, the preacher was right. But, I will keep on slipping a little tract in the things I give away. It couldn't hurt. At least they will know a Christian cared enough to give. We all need Jesus, amen.
And, I think, Winman, you and I are on the same track. So much to do, and so little time.
After we are saved, we have SUCH a lot of things to change, to make less of ourselves, and be more Christlike. And, now, it seems, with America changing so rapidly, we have precious little time to gird up the loins of our mind, and also to tell others about Jesus. The darkness is coming. We will be the only light left.
Originally Posted by Winman
I think that if a Christian sees someone in need that they should help them. But I think giving someone the gospel is more important.
You can form a soup-line and feed the poor every day. But in the end they will die. You can give the needy clothes, or visit them in the hospital or prison, but if they do not know about Jesus they will die and go to hell.
I am not saying we should not do good and helpful things for those in need. But what every person truly needs is Jesus.
I heard a preacher once say:
Receiving Jesus as your saviour will not solve all your problems, but it will solve your BIGGEST problem.