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Old 05-28-2009, 07:00 PM
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Jassy Jassy is offline
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Default Questions from Atheists 2

READ FIRST: I will be posting some questions here that were brought up by an Atheist/Agnostic "Freethought Group." I don't belong to this group. Someone I know that is somewhat antagonistic towards Christians does. So, the "I" is NOT me. Perhaps people here can help in responding to these questions. I'll post them as "Questions from Atheists 1" "....2" etc.

2. In Christianity, belief is more important than action. Even though Christians love to say, "Faith without works is dead," they are forced to concede that no matter how terrible of a life a person leads, if they accept Jesus as their lord and savior and repent of their sins on their death bed, they get their golden ticket into heaven, all is forgiven. That is, unless they blaspheme the holy spirit. These people are just toast, but child rapists and murderers - just find Jesus and you're fine.

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