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View Poll Results: Is water baptism Biblically correct for believers today?
Yes 29 85.29%
29 85.29%
No 5 14.71%
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Old 05-20-2009, 04:00 PM
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George George is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posts: 891

Aloha John,

Thanks for giving us some info about yourself and I appreciate your explanation in your last Post. As of late we have had quite a few "troublemakers" join the Forum and I for one may be a bit "edgy".

I was extremely concerned when the issue of water Baptism came up, because I know from past experience that no "profit" ever comes from a "discussion" about it. Christians on both sides of the issue hold very strong "convictions" about the matter and neither one is going to "budge an inch" - so WHY BOTHER?

I will reply to each of your following statements to give you an idea where I am coming from.

* "Genesis 6 is about angels taking human wives producing giants."
{I am in agreement with you - but I never make a big deal about this issue.}

* "The "baptism in the spirit" as practiced by charismatics produces demonic oppression."
{I would put it: The "baptism in the spirit" as practiced by charismatics can produce oppression by "evil spirits ("devils") and possibly even "possession" by evil spirits ("devils") as well.}

* "Homosexuals are actually demon possessed."
{I don't know of any Scriptures that support your view, but I do know for sure that our God hates SODOMY & SODOMITES, and there is no Scriptural doubt about that - for sure!}

* "The two witnesses are clearly Moses and Elijah."
{I am in agreement with you - but, again, I never make a big deal about this issue.}

* "Women pastors are in rebellion against God."
{I am in strongly in agreement with you and I would (and do) make a big deal out of it.}

* "Most "Christian" music is of the devil."
{I don't know this for sure (Scripture?), but most of it is surely - "CARNAL"}

* "Many Christian women dress no better than prostitutes."
{The way that many "Christian" women in the Western world "DRESS" is in indicative of a much more serious "problem" - and that is an unwillingness (on the part of many Western "Christian" women) to be in "submission" to God's words when it comes to anything that they "FEEL" is "right in their own eyes"! Humanism!}

"I cannot tell you how many times one or more of those positions has caused a near riot amongst other believers which I find quite surprising. I cannot help but wonder if that reaction comes from a very agitated fleshly nature. The current topic in my mind is no more controversial than any of those other topics."
I pretty much agree with you, with the exception of your last statement: "The current topic in my mind is no more controversial than any of those other topics. " You may think or feel this way (in your "mind"), but there are fellow brothers in Christ that are highly "offended" by your (and Tony's) position on this issue.

I expressed my "take" on this issue early on, but although I am in disagreement with both you & brother Tony, I believe you have a right to your convictions - as long as you don't "push it" too hard here. This is one of those "issues" that is not going to go away until the Lord Jesus Christ straightens us all out on our "doctrine" at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Until then we have "bigger fish to fry" and more important things to do than to continually re-hash an issue that has proven to be of NO benefit or profit to the brethren; and instead of edifying us it has only served to DIVIDE US.

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