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Old 05-17-2009, 09:12 PM
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greenbear greenbear is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 492
Default Hello

Hi. I joined this board a day or two ago. I seldom get things in the right order; I have posted on some threads without introducing myself properly. I greatly appreciate being on this board as I have never before found a church or forum that has this level of profound respect for the Word of God. Perhaps I haven't looked hard enough before.

I didn't grow up in the church, I am mostly self-taught (a great deal from my husband and a lot directly from God's Word) and I tend to be very opinionated and don't like let go of an issue until I feel satisfied that I have the answer.

We don't attend any church. We've tried in the past but we have trouble listening to sermons that are either not KJVO, or are Calvinistic, or deny eternal security, or stress water baptism, or are not premillenial , or have women pastors, you get the idea.

As you might imagine, our walk with the Lord is not thriving as it should as a result of having little or no fellowship for 15 years or so. We have lots of doctrinal knowledge, impeccable understanding of biblical prophecy and a deep thirst for the truth of God's Word. We've tried many churches from Oregon to California to Ohio, where we presently live, but have never found one that we like or that likes us. We would love to hear of any churches in Columbus, OH that might be a good fit.

Thanks for any suggestions you might have.


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