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Old 05-11-2009, 05:39 PM
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kns215 kns215 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 29
Default A young sister in Christ


My name is Nasil and I recently joined this forum. I was led to this place while I was browsing through some websites that stand up for AV1611. And I actually decided to join after reading some posts posted here.

I got saved on August, 2001 (which was only couple months after I came to Canada) after reading a Chick tract in Korean language. I had been already attending a Bible-believing church since I came to Canada (June 2001) with my family, but with that "nominal Christian" attitude, I did not get saved till 2 months later. (Thank GOD, He did not call up his saved ones within that time!!!)

After I got saved, I started learning Bible; but with not much of prayer and Bible reading (basically not much personal fellowship with Jesus Christ), I soon backslided and went into the world (while still attending the right church). Now I am blessed to say that the Lord Almighty has not given up this sinner and still gave another chance to repent my sins and come back HOME and enjoy this indescribable joy in Him. (Heb.12:5-6) (2 Timothy 2:22)

Since I know that I wasted so much time before, I am trying to catch up the things I had missed before. (Trying to study and learn more, while praying for God's wisdom, knowledge, and understanding...) (Ephesians 5:15,16)

I thank God I found the very perfect Word and words of God (AV1611)!

Though Canada (more like Catholic-Canada) doesn't allow street preaching or "tracting" in public places, God still makes a way for us to go soulwinning weekly and get small number of people saved each week! Glory to God!!!

Though young and still have lots of works to do, I truly hope that Jesus returns today and take all saved Christians to that beautiful place where there is no sorrow, sickness, tears, or burdens. What a day that will be!

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