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Old 05-07-2009, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post

I don't "seem to be" doing anything! And I never compared Sam Gipp to the Lord Jesus Christ! What are you doing with your blasphemy - putting words in my mouth? Do you have a problem with my Post? You (solabilia?) and "greektim" have NO FINAL AUTHORITY, so the question is - WHY are you here?
I was being polite by saying "seem to be." You did more than just hint at a comparison. You made a pretty strong comparison. You put Sam Gipp in the company of the Apostles and Christ. The blasphemy was not mine.

Originally Posted by George View Post
I have approximately 700 Posts on this Forum. You couldn't find one of those Posts where I doubt WHAT the Holy word of God is - or WHERE I can find. There isn't one of those Posts where I have altered, changed, subtracted or added to the King James Bible - NO NOT ONCE!
No one doubts that you are a KJO.

Originally Posted by George View Post
On top of that I have never QUESTIONED where someone (on this Forum or anywhere else for that matter) got his "degree" from - NO NOT ONCE! {I could "Care Less" WHERE someone went to school, or WHERE they got their "degree" from (I'm not an "intellectual snob"). SCHOOLS, DEGREES, and the people who have them don't impress me in the slightest! - Other than I have noticed that people like yourself and "greektim" are "PUFFED UP" over whatever knowledge you may have, and you demonstrate that PRIDE in almost all of your Posts.}
Fine. You don't care. Greektim did care, so he asked. To advance the conversation, all you had to do is offer an answer. Instead, you chose to attack the question, and then the questioner. Not Christ-like behavior.

Originally Posted by George View Post
You can TWIST my words around all you want - you have already PROVEN to be a "pro" at it in the past, but the fact is when someone inquires where someone got their degree from - that someone is "fishing" for something and I'm NOT biting!
Actually, you surmised that he was fishing, and you jumped the gun.

Originally Posted by George View Post
I've got "news" for you bud - I'm going to answer anyone anyway I want, and if you don't like it you can go to "greektim's" blog and have a nice "theological discussion"! Who do you think you are trying to tell me how to answer someone, or keep silent? Hmmm? If it bothers you so much find another Forum where you can spread your Humanistic drivel!

I would NEVER consider joining a Forum that didn't believe in the King James Bible as the FINAL AUTHORITY in all matters of faith and practice - it would NEVER enter my mind or my heart to do so. What purpose would it serve to "join" with people (like you & "greektim") who are not of "like mind" as myself? So again the "question": WHY are you here, amongst so many Christians that are of a different mind on the Holy word of God? What purpose are you serving by being here?
Last I knew, this is a public forum. If you want a private forum, there are ways to do that. You have your motives for being here, I have mine.

Originally Posted by George View Post
We don't have "conversations" with "Christians" who denigrate the Holy word of God or who "take an "extreme" stand against those who believe in it: ("I am extremely against the KJV only view.") It always comes around to the same question: WHY are you and "greektim" here? Don't you know of another Forum where everyone is "polite" and "courteous", and never criticize anyone for anything? Can't you find a place where you all can have the same mind on all subjects and be in agreement about how much you despise the King James Bible and especially those King James Bible ONLY people? Wouldn't you be much happier amongst your "own kind"?
I like it here. Is that OK?

Originally Posted by George View Post
Since you have joined this Forum all we have ever heard from you is your "clever" remarks and destructive criticism of a Book that most of us on this Forum hold dear to our hearts. You have NO FINAL AUTHORITY, other than your own opinions, and you are never going to "persuade" any of us to your unbelieving Humanistic viewpoint about God's word, so take a hike bud, we don't need you here to slip in and snip & snipe every once in a while, and take cheap pot shots at genuine Bible believers.
I use the KJV in my private devotions (Cambridge, by the way). I teach from the KJV every Sunday to a class of about 50 scholars. I have the KJV on my computer and my PDA for quick reference. I have memorized somewhere around 50 chapters of the KJV. I have been going to churches that use the KJV since I was one week old. I probably would think long and hard before attending a church that did not use the KJV. I love it, cherish it, quote it, and live by it.

What more do you want? Do you have no room in your tent for someone who sees the hand of God in the translation and dissemination of the KJV and prefers it above other texts? Do I have to chant "Four legs good, Two legs bad" at all the right times in order to please you? Have you ever heard of legalism? How long since you read Galatians? Or Romans 14?

Have you ever stopped for a minute to reflect on whether all this shrill rhetoric is necessary? Have you noticed how so many on this board seem to be so eager to establish his or her KJO credentials? Just about every other post has the flavor of "Shoot, that's nothing, I would crawl from here to Cambridge on ground glass for the KJV!"

I'm just suggesting that you reflect a bit instead of reacting.

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