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Old 05-02-2009, 09:33 PM
cb6445 cb6445 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Corryton, TN
Posts: 78
Default Help

I went to the Flea Market today. I was taking my little boys up there to find them each a toy I had promised them. Anyway, I was noticing there wasn't much of the word of God to be found there (you're surprised I'm sure). There was one little booth with some free books/tracts but frankly the things I found inside those books could possibly do more harm than good to a lost sinner. Then, I went to some "Christian" bookstores in search of a new Bible. I couldn't even find one. Oh, there were plenty of HIV and NJKV and all sorts of other "bibles", but no King James. May God have mercy on us. I even had a hard time finding a PCE online (as another couple of threads are currently discussing). Then, the Lord just hit me with this. I want to rent a booth at the Flea Market on Saturdays and having Gospel music, King James only Bibles/merchandise, and hand out Bible tracts. There are hundreds and hundreds of people that could be reached (pray for me, please)! Anyway, I am just looking for some ideas of where to go to get the merchandise/Bibles for this. I want to be able to give away as much as possible. I have no experience in this type of thing, but the Lord will provide a way if it be his will. I'm fine on the tracts, but I would like to know of some contacts/ways to get Bibles/study books/merchandise (KJV only) cheap but good quality, so that I can get the "good news" to people with very little to no cost to them. I'm doing this out of my pocket and have a SMALL budget to work with. Any ideas/contacts. Also, could you recommend some good study books and things to have out? I really enjoyed One Book Rightly Divided by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer, so I'm kinda looking for books along this line. I know the groups and type of music to have out, but any suggestions on where to get 'em? Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. God Bless!!

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