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Old 04-30-2009, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Tandi View Post
I am fully trusting in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His faithfulness for my salvation and have full assurance of my salvation, recognizing my shortcomings and eternally grateful for God's pardon (not acquittal) of my sins. Because I love Him, I keep His commandments (Exodus 20:6; Deut. 5:10; John 14:15; John 15:10).
The last sentence belongs in a new paragraph. I am just trying to get you to be careful about what you tie in to salvation. I don't care if you are a dispensationalist or not -- if you mix your observation of law with Christ's shed blood, then you are missing the boat. When you word it the way you have been you imply there is something more than Christ's work.

Since I am not a Dispensationalist or a Hyperdispensationalist, I take seriously Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:20 about observing commandments and His words in the Book of Revelation that we are to repent and be overcomers and that our works will be judged.
Who says our works won't be judged? What are you implying?

I dare not “take away” from the words of the Book by calling them “somebody else’s mail.”
Phrase it how you like. Have you ever built a big boat? No? You mean those commands were for Noah? Aren't you "taking away" from the words? What about God's commandment to Adam to eat from the tree of life? Do you follow that one? For that matter, did Adam follow it all his life? No? You mean you and Adam had to determine which commandments apply when?

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