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Old 04-24-2009, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post

You know, I hate to get on a soapbox, but not 1 person in 1 million knows what "el shaddai" means, unless you are in Tel Aviv. Why don't they just make "God Almighty" bumper stickers?
You made a great point about the bumper sticker. I learned once that the Egyptians taught thousands of years ago that if you know the name of a god you can manipulate him and his power. Charismatic Prosperity Theology groups are always claiming Jesus name and use it in that way. I even heard Kenneth Copland explain using the name of Jesus as part of his name it and claim it theology.

On a side note, El Shaddai is the name of a Roman Catholic Charismatic group started here in the Philippines and is now world wide.

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