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comparing scripture
Brethren, I heard a story of a Chinese, who after reading the Four Gospels, concluded that the man Jesus was born and died four times.
(By the way, is there a gap theory in Matthew, or are we read Mark-Luke-John into it, too?) Now let me share some that I have noticed in Scripture. This made me realize the importance of comparing Scripture. What happens if we don't? If we refuse to compare Scripture and just read the "plain English" and not "read Scripture that is not there", the ORDER OF EVENTS as revealed in Isaiah would be this way: ISAIAH 2:1-5 The Messiah will REIGN ISAIAH 7:14; 9:6 After that, He will be BORN. ISAIAH 9:7; 11:1-9 Then, He will RULE again. ISAIAH 53:1-10 After that, He will DIE. Back to the GAP between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Did Lucifer rebel (Isaiah 14; Ezek 28) between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? If not, when? Somewhere between Genesis 1-3? Are we reading passage into Scripture that is not there? If we are not going to "read Scripture that is not there", then there were no angels created in Genesis 1. Lucifer did not rebel in Genesis. He rebelled in Isaiah's time (Isa. 14). I believe in reading the "plain English" and "not reading Scripture that is not there" (as Bible twisters do), but I also believe in searching the Scriptures, comparing Scriptures, and rightly dividing Scriptures. |