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Old 03-04-2009, 11:36 PM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
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I already pointed out the exact same thing that you did, so you're really not offering any new information to the discussion. Other than your completely irrelevant addition about the phrase in Jeremiah, you didn't add anything to the issue at hand whatsoever.

Eve bore Cain, somehow thinking he was the "man from the Lord" that God had promised when he cursed them.

Eve again bare his brother Abel: there is no mention of Adam knowing his wife again, so either it doesn't mention it (which is unlikely, given the detail of Scripture) or they're twins. There is no reason to argue that they were not twins other than simple contrariness.

John said that Cain "was of that wicked one," so either he meant like Jesus said to the Pharisees ("ye are of your father the devil," like I mentioned already), or that Eve had actually been visited by Satan and he was the biological father of Cain, the first twin.

Why you would be so obstinate and difficult about something so simple is completely beyond my comprehension.

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