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Old 01-23-2009, 11:04 AM
Rolando Rolando is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 75
Default What should be our answer?

Howdy my brothers and sisters in Christ. You see, in the "Obama Watch Deleted Thread", Diligent posted a link to a place where you can start blogs. Well, my curiosity got the best of me and I went there to have a look. Upon entrance, I see a blog of a former "Christian" now turned atheist. In there he types about how to stump a pro-lifer with a question: if abortion becomes illegal, what should we do with the women who abort? He claims that most pro-lifers haven't thought about this and we become confused when asked. Mind you, he even posted a video asking pro-lifers questions but I have no intention seeing it for now, but his article and the responses it got sure got me thinking. I been pro-life for a long time (even before I got saved), but I never thought about what punishment a woman should get if abortion does becomes illegal. So, if abortion is murder (and I believe it is), should the women who have abortion be treated the same as murderers. What should be their punishment if abortion becomes illegal?

Oh by the way, here is the link:

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